•• Chapter 8 nightmares ••

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"Sshh, It's gonna be okay Chaz.." Mike said and he kissed my head "I love you.. so much."

His arms wrapped around me tighter and I felt him tense up a bit, "So, so so fucking much.." he said, by the tone in his voice I heard he was on the verge of tears. What if i drowned that night? What would've happened?

"No, no, Chaz.. don't say that." Whispered Mike. I was thinking that out loud apparently.

"We would've been devastated Chester. Things could never be the same without you.. I'm not sure if I can even live without you." Mike held me there until I felt his tears fall onto me.

"Mikey.." I whispered. Mike's voice started cracking up "I-I'm sorry.. I j-Just.. I was s-so scared.. W-what if you did drown? I-I'd never be the same.. nothing would make sense anymore. I-I..." his voice faded and He sobbed quietly.

I embraced him "Shh. Mike I'm so sorry. But you don't have to worry anymore, I'm still here, breathing and alive."

"I know.." he breathed "I-I love you, so fucking Much.."

He pecked my lips and I moved my hands to his cheeks deepening the kiss.

He held his hands around my waist and pressed our bodies together. This is where I belonged, In Mike's arms. I felt his tongue move over my lower lip and I parted my lips, giving him access to my tongue. I felt his tongue explore my mouth. And I hummed against his lips.

Then Mike's phone ringed and Lila called me so we let go of each other.

Mike's PoV

Chester left the room and I took my phone out of my pocket, It was an unknown number, luckily this didn't scare me as much as it did Chester. So I picked it up.

"Hello?" A feminine voice said.

"Hi, who is this?" I asked.

"Suzan, Chester mother." She said.

I tried not to sigh but I said "How'd you get my number?"

"Well, I should know some things about my son's best friend." She said.

I laughed, I legitimately laughed.

"W-what's funny?" Asked Susan.

I chuckled again "I'm not just Chester's best friend. I'm his husband."


"Hold up he's calling me.." I said, and he really was calling me so I yelled "Yes Baby! What is it?"

"Could you help me with Lila?!" Chester's voice echoed through the house.

"Of course, I'll be right there love."

I said goodbye And I hung up.. I wonder if Chester's mother has any wrong intentions or is really trying to be good..

Chester's PoV

It was 3 am and I just had some fucking weird nightmare, but it wasn't just a nightmare, it was more of a memory.. A memory of Cora..

Right now I was in the bathroom, quietly crying because I didn't want to wake Mike up again! I wake him up too often and he deserves a good night of rest. So here I was, crying into a towel to muffle my sobs.

I couldn't stop crying, it felt so real... It even hurt.. the way she cut into my skin... the way she broke my bones and threw me into the cold, muddy water of that lake.. the way some water made it's way into my lungs.. the way it felt to drown..

I woke up in a coughing fit which caused Mike to tiredly shift, but he soon fell back asleep.

I brought my shaking form up and I turned on the tap, cold water pouring out.. I splashed it into my face without thinking... but The feeling of the cold water in my face... It felt too familiar right now..

I jumped and stumbled back.. falling onto the cold bathroom floor. I was panting at this point, gasping for air. I should not have done that..

I brought my shaking hand to a towel and messily pulled it towards me, rubbing my face dry.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing "o-okay... you're okay.." I whispered to myself.

I needed help.. but I couldn't wake Mike up again, I couldn't bring myself to do it.. and I knew no one else who I would wake up at this time.

Mike's PoV

I suddenly woke up by a sound I couldn't recognize..

I turned around to see that Chester wasn't next to me, Instantly started panicking and I shot up. My heart beat increasing, my breathing becoming rapid.

I pushed the bedsheets off me and got out of bed, my bare feet onto the wooden floor.

"Chester..." I whispered out.

Suddenly I heard a muffled sob. It must be Chester! I quietly walked towards the sound and it turned out to be in the bathroom. I quietly knocked.


I heard things move around until the door unlocked, Chester's form appeared in the doorframe. He looked like he was terrified and it looked like he had been crying for hours.

"M-Mike" he Choked out before falling into my arms, holding me tightly.

"Chester, Baby what happened?" I asked.

Chester let out a sob that was muffled by my shirt "I-I uhm..."

"Did you have a nightmare?" I asked, knowing how embarrassed he got.. which was sad because he had nothing to be embarrassed about.

He slowly nodded and he started crying again. I put one of my hands to the back of his head "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked softly.

"I-I didn't w-want to bother y-you.." He spoke, this sounded all too familiar.. he had said that sentence to me a million times.. especially when we were in high school.

"But you never bother me, love. You can always wake me up for anything, you can always talk to me and I'll drop whatever I'm doing." I said, kissing his head.

"I love you." I said. "I-I love you too Mike.. so much.." Chester said.

"I want you to wake me up next time, okay? Promise me." I said softly. Chester nodded hesitantly "okay, I-I promise.."

"Good." I gave him a small smile and he returned the same.

I pecked his lips before leading him back to our bathroom and laying him down on the bed, pulling the covers over him and laying down next to him.

I waited for Chester to fall back to sleep before kissing his forehead and whispering "I love you."

I went back to sleep myself.


I'm sorry for taking so long to update! I kinda got into a writers block I guess and I also went on a vacation for a week so... I'm sorry!

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