The Skater Boy

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Sam's POV

First day of class. I woke up in the same old messy bedroom. I took my hoodie and walk up to the bathroom. I took a quick bath and brushed my teeth. Fixed my hair and put on my favorite hoodie. I went downstairs to see what's on the table. Its the same old messy place. I saw my twin sister trying to cook that omelette again.

"Hey, Sis!" I greeted with enthusiasm.

"Hey!" She smiled handing me some bread. "Here yah go. You have to wait for the eggs though."

"Im starving. Can you just serve it raw?"

"No can do. You have to wait."

My crumbling stomach tells me to give up. Fighting her wont do any good.

"So dad, is he still out?"

"Yeah, he is still unconscious. He drank a lot last night. Waking him up will just bring trouble." She said anxiously. "Here's your omelette."

"Thank you, Sis." To be honest, her omelette are a bit salty but seeing her happy when i finish them counts more. "This looks delicious."

"Of course they are. I left dad some when he wakes up." She said while looking at our father's bedroom door.

It's been a while since mom passed away from cancer. This house was once a lively house. Mom was the light of the family. Dad loves her so much and we do too. We have barbecue every weekends. She cleans the house everyday and cooks for us, too. Dad used to work on a better company as a consultant. Now, he is working odd jobs just enough to pay for our basic needs. There's so much going on in my head. Since mom's death, everything changed. My sister Jane went to take over her duties with cleaning and cooking. I tried the laundry but it always been a failure. One time i broke the drier. 

"Sam, we can surpass this, OK?" Said my sister while holding my hand. I don't know how to tell her. I am weak but I can't show her that so I just replied with a nod and a smile.

We left home. I am riding my usual skate board. Mom gave it to me for my tenth birthday. My twin is riding her bike. School is close. About 20 minutes when riding a bike.

After arriving at the school, my sister went to her lockers before proceeding to her first class. We don't attend the same classes so I put on my head phones and my hoodie trying to avoid as much human interactions as possible. I used to be popular. That changed after my mother died. I checked the time with my phone and didn't notice the impending danger that's about to happen. I bumped into a girl holding a cup of milk tea. It spilled all over her dress and my hoodie.


I can hear her dramatic cry. I was about to roast her but when I looked up, an angel showed up her face. Every words that come from her mouth becomes gibberish. I just stand there speechless. Am I supposed to argue with her? How? I looked at her shirt and I see milk tea everywhere. Immediately I took off my hoodie and gave it to her.

"Here." I said while offering the hoodie to her while looking away. "I am sorry." The wet parts of her clothes reveals her undergarments. I was happy she didn't complained and took put the hoodie on. Shoots! I'm going to be late. So I took one more glance at her and wave goodbye. I can hear her say "Come back here!" Angrily.

I made it in time before the teacher came in. While she started to check the attendance, a girl walk to the door.

"You're late."

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Some accident happened in the hallway earlier and i was covered with milk tea."

After I heard that, I immediately looked into the source of the voice to confirm. It was her. And she is wearing my hoodie.

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