First day of junior year💋

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                                 ASHARI'S POV✨
So today was the starting of a new chapter which was my junior year i was kinda excited but who's not excited the first day? I finally got up from my bed to go brush my teeth and do my daily skin routine and get in the shower. After i got out the shower i put on some white ripped jeans and a nike t-shirt then tied it up in a knot in the front which i liked to do because i hated baggy shirts. After i was done getting dressed i put on some perfume and clear lipgloss. I didn't really have to do anything to my hair, i had long curly hair which comes from my dads side of the family. I'm Dominican and black.

I ran to my brother Tray's room to wake him up because if you don't that nigga will sleep all damn day. "TRAY GET TF UP NOWWWW"

I heard Shari calling me she was loud as hell for her to be that skinny. "SHARI QUIT YELLING I HEARD JU". i got up to get in the shower and brushed my teeth. When i got out i picked out something simple to wear i wasn't tryna do nun to major i did this 3 times already and honestly I don't even give a fuck like i used to I'm just tryna graduate.

ASHARI'S POV Tray was finally ready so we were now on are way to school

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Tray was finally ready so we were now on are way to school. He has a black BMW that our dad got him for his birthday. We got into school and i saw Brenae standing by are lockers waiting on me. "HEEEYYY BITCHHH" she turned around and said. "HEYYY GIRL" i said back to her. We had basically all are classes together and the same lunch which was good cause we barely fucked with anyone else in Lakeside. We walked to are first period which was English. And we stat down next to each other.

I couldn't help but turn and see this fine ass chocolate 6'3 ass nigga walk in and sit next to me my damn heart dropped this nigga was fine as hell. I looked at Brenae and she already knew what the deal was. Even though i told y'all i was outgoing I'm actually really shy when it comes to boys.. I'm actually still a virgin unlike Brenae which she lost it sophomore year to a senior.

I just knew he was gonna be mine i never saw him before so maybe he was new but then again I barely knew anybody. He looked real hood i just don't even know if I could survive a hood nigga.

The teacher started to take attendance and that's how I figured out his name, which was King Johnson. And apparently he's not new my antisocial ass just don't know anybody.


I was in English class and i seen this fine lil chocolate shawty she had long curly hair she was real petite but she was tall though

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I was in English class and i seen this fine lil chocolate shawty she had long curly hair she was real petite but she was tall though.. I ain't never really went for tall girls but she was at least still shorter than i was. Class was over and i wanted to say something to her but i felt like it was to soon honestly it was only the first day and what if she already got a dude or something. I was on my way to calculus when i seen her thick ass friend Brenae and i stopped her and was like who's that girl in are English class with the long curly hair ? She looked up and said hold on and pulled out her phone quick as hell

Brenae & Ashari's text messages

Bestieee Nae👯‍♀️❤️ : BITCHHH KING ASKING ABOUT YOU !!!

Bff Shariii💋✨: Bitch whaaat?🤣 give him my #

She looked up and said gimme me your phone. She put what i guess her name was Ashari which I thought was a sexy ass name. Thankyou i said. "Mmhm" she said.


King message to Ashari ✨

4045667892: wassup shorty this king

Ashari: Wassup😘

I was so shook that i got this nigga # on the first day

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