Little Drummer Boy

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NOTE: This is my first story I've written, let alone a smut, so please feel free to help me! I answer all comments and DM's, so send some messages my way! Hope you all enjoy this part of the series!

During your college years, you had been stressed out, so you often retreated to your local bar at every chance you could, where you'd down a few beers an listen the somewhat new band "Queen" play. You grew fond of their music, but you never had a chance to see the band mates, only hear them. This week, you got to the bar early to get a better spot. You wandered to the front, a few feet from the stage and looked around. As the pub began to fill, you saw movement backstage.

"It must be them" you thought hopefully.

After a few moments, you checked the time to see that it was only 2 minutes 'till 8:00, which was the time that Queen set foot on the stage, You waited with anticipation, and soon enough the band was on stage. Your mouth opened - this isn't what you thought they would look like. The man who seemed to be the lead singer was a little paki boy, with top teeth that stuck out. He was quite flamboyant looking, with a colourful leotard on that didn't cover his chest. Then you looked at the guitarist. He had large, black curly hair and was very tall. He walked a bit like a giraffe, head up high as he tumbled across the stage. Then you saw the bassist. He awkwardly got on the stage, with what looked to be like a long perm, which was a light brown colour. He stood quietly aside, staring at the crowd, scanning it for someone. Then you saw the drummer. Mid-length slightly wavy blond hair, bright eyes and a look of concentration as he fiddled around with his drum kits, doing some last minute tweaks. Once satisfied with the fine-tuning, he glanced out into the crowd, eyes wandering.

As he continued his searches, you stared at him. You watched his forehead scrunch up when he didn't find who, or what he was looking for.

Checking his watch, he whistled to the boys, signalling the start.

The boys introduced themselves, and for once you got there names. Your eyes never left the drummers body, as you waited with anticipation for his name.

"I'm Roger Taylor".

These words that were complete foreign, felt so familiar to you. As you whispered his name, repeating it for memory, they began to start.

"Keep yourself aliiiveee"

The singer, Freddie, danced across the stage, signing his head out. He had such an amazing stage presence, but you couldn't tear your eyes of Roger.

Half-way through their last song, his eyes wandered, searching for whatever he was looking for. As his eyes neared your spot, they stopped. You looked to at him, watching his eyes land on yours. He hammered the drums, still not taking his eyes off of you once. You felt you face heat up, embarrassed, but you didn't take your eyes of him. The band finished, waved goodbye and left the stage. Your eyes followed Roger to the door, before he stepped out.

EEK! I'm sorry this is short, I just wanted something published!!! How long do you guys like each chapter? Or should I make each chapter a different story/character? I need input please! ALL COMMENTS ARE ANSWERED! Thank you everyone!

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