Slowly But Surely

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It had been 3 months since the whole ordeal. Things continued on as they're were, the boys toured and you followed them around. The men who has hurt you - they were in jail, charged with multiple counts of harassment and rape, and you had started to recover. You, physically felt fine, but anytime you walked into your bedroom, or opened the closet, you panicked. Memories always flooded back and you didn't want to witness them again. Roger had been out recording with the boys. A new album was on the way, so they had a small break before they went back on tour. Roger still had been afraid to touch you. He treated you like you were made of fine china, and generally didn't touch you to avoid any problems. You were sick of it. You were tough, and needed to suck it up. Months have passed, and you were afraid that if you didn't get your act together, Roger would want to move on from you.

It was a Thursday afternoon, and you were watching the boys finish up recording their new album. You admired them as they worked away, and soon got lost amongst your own thoughts.

"Earth to Y/N? You there?" Roger said as he approached you.

"Yeah, sorry, just zoned out. What up?" you said, looking up at him. He really was beautiful, and you were the luckiest girl in the world to have him.

"Just said we were done recording and that I was ready to go," he said, biting his lip.

"Yeah for sure, I'm ready."

The drive home was quiet. Roger pulled in the driveway and the two of you got out. You checked your watch, which read 8:57 pm. You were tired. Roger made his way up with you to bed where you both undressed and got in.

"I love you," Roger whispered, turning over to cuddle you.

"I love you more," you replied. You look into his eyes, before crawling on top of him and pressing your lips against his. It started as a gentle kiss, before you started you nibble at his lip. He moaned, kissing you harder. You started to gently roll your hips against his crotch, and he moaned again, but louder.

"Y/N," he breathed out. You sat up and began grinding gently on him. You closed your eyes, forgetting about everything and just focused on the two of you. Roger reached up and squeezed your hips, pushing you harder down on him.

"Shit, Y/N, that feels so good, don't sto- of shit!" he said, not able to finish his sentence. You pulled of your shirt to reveal you braless chest. Roger admired your body, running his hands up your sides to squeeze your breasts.

"You're so hot baby girl, oh yeah, ohhhhhh baby shit, don't stop!" he cried. But you stopped.

"Rog, I'm sorry, but I don't want this to be just sex. I want it to mean something, I..."

He cut you off with a gentle kiss. "Shhh, baby girl, that's fine, you tell me what you want and I'll make it happen."

You laid there, before quietly speaking.

"I want you to make love to me."

Rogers face softened slightly. He pulled his shirt off, then rolled over so that he was on top of you. He kissed you gently, passionately, and the two of you were lost in your own world. As you kissed, you reached down and undid Rogers belt. He backed away, and pulled his pants off, leaving him in his boxers. You admired him. He kissed you again, before moving down to take your pants off. You lifted your hips, and he slid your pants down. He leaned in and kissed your stomach. You groaned quietly. For some reason, it felt different this time. You weren't rushed at all, there was no pressure, it was just about the love and passion you two shared.

Roger slid your panties off, and pulled off his boxers. He leaned in, and the two of you kissed passionately. He pulled away, looking at you. You nodded gently, and leaned in and kissed you again. He spread your legs, and lined himself up with your entrance, and slowly pushed in. He stayed there, enjoying the feeling, before slowly rocking back and forth. He laid on top of you, kissing you gently, while rocking his hips slowly.

You were full of emotions. It was the first time you had had any sexual contact since the incident a few months prior. You felt your climax coming, but instead of saying anything, you just let Roger keep gently thrusting into you. He broke the kiss, looking at you. You knew he was close to his release too, but, you didn't rush it. After a few moments, the two of you came in sync, breathing hard. Roger slowed his thrusts, before pulling out and moving to your side. The two of our laid there, before you rolled over to look at him. His eyes twinkled when he looked your way. You smiled softly before speaking.

"Thank you Roger."

You were getting better, slowly but surely.

AHHHHHH THIS WAS SUCH A DEEP CHAPTERRRRR. This was so hard to write! It was so deep and meaningful❤️ Hope y'all like it!

What scenarios should I include the next few chapters? Need ideas!

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