Please Me

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You scrambled to stay on your feet as Roger dragged you through the door. He shoved you into a dark room, before switching the light on and pushing oh against the wall. He pressed his hands to your throat - not enough to completely choke you but enough to make it difficult to breath. You swallowed loudly, shifting against his weight.

"Are you going to be a good girl Princess?"

You moaned at the name. You had a very kinky side to you - pet names and dirty talk were just a few to name. You nodded you head panting, struggling to breath.

"You your words Baby Girl, I know you can speak,"

You quietly moaned before saying a quick "yes", hoping he would let you go.

"That's not my name love, say it and I'll let you go," he said in a quiet raspy voice.

"Yes Sir,"

He slowly nodded, never taking his eyes off of you, before loosening the grip on your neck. He attached his lips to yours, before spinning you around and shoving you onto the bed. You laid there, panting, all sprawled out for him as he looked over you.

"Look at you Baby Girl, all spread out for me. Too bad you still have clothes on, I'd treat you if you didn't."

You'd never undressed so quickly, but you were so eager to get on with it. You laid down in only your lacy black bra and panties, staring at the blond man waiting for him to make a move.

Roger groaned as you spread you legs apart. He pulled his coat off and undid his belt, but left everything intact. He grabbed your hands and tied them above your head to the headboard with his belt, and began kissing you. He kissed all down your body, leaving small marks at the same time. You groaned, hating the foreplay, but he kept teasing you.

"Rogggeeerrrr please," you moan loudly. He smirks, at you and continues to nip at your skin.

"Please what darling?" he says as plants kisses up your thigh. You arch your back, and strain against his belt that prevented you from touching him.

"Please," you say out of breath, "fuck me".

Those words were like an on switch for him. He ripped off your panties and bra, and was left standing in his boxers. You could see the outline of his large member and you moaned. You weren't a virgin but none of you hook-ups carries something that big. He smirked when he was you staring at his boxers, tented from his arousal.

"Baby girl, you're moaning and you haven't even seen it. What pretty little noises are gonna come out of your pretty little mouth when you do?"

Your stomach muscles tightened, as you imagined he banging you roughly, his thick cock hitting every sweet spot and your tight walls milking him. You imagined what he would do to your, but before you realized it he was behind you, ripping your panties off. You squeaked in surprise, but groaned when you look down. Roger had taken his boxers off and pulled his cock out, where he slowly moved his hand up and down in, spreading the pre-cum all over it. You brought yourself closer, pulling against the belt that restricted you from coming closer. You open your mouth, salivating and waiting to suck Rogers member. He lined up his cock with your mouth, and thrusted in. You sat with mouth wide open, taking his thick member down your throat.

You gagged slightly when he pressed into your mouth as far as he could, but this only encouraged him to go harder. His hips stuttered as he released into your mouth, cursing as he shot his cum down your throat. He quit moving and you sucked his dick until it was clean. You figured Roger would be done with you, but you were wrong. He shoved you back and pushed you onto your stomach. Your gut clenched with anticipation and you patiently waiting do his touch.

Roger laid on top of your, slowly moving his cock against you. You quietly moaned, wanting to have you own release.

Roger must have understood the noise you made because seconds later his dick was buried inside of your sex.

"Shit! Roger, oh, ahhh, shit shit shit! Keep going, Rog, don't stop, don't stop, don't - ahhhhhhhh!!!!"

You cried as Roger slammed into you, harder and harder every time. The bundle of nerves inside of you felt like they were going to blow up. Your walls quivered around his cock as he pressed harder into you.

"Fuck, princess you're so tight, shit baby girl, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on," Roger said, moaned as you clenched around him. His thrusts faltered as he came close to his release, but he didn't stop. He planned on making you scream, so he pounded into you harder.

You felt your orgasm nearing, and you could tell Roger was working hard to get there. You moaned as he hit your sweet spot, which soon resulted in you screaming as you came.


One more thrust and he was also coming, moaning as he came in your pussy. Your body shook violently as you came, and you almost got to the point of passing out. You closed your eyes, trying to regain your breath after having such an aggressive orgasm.

Roger smirked, pulling out of you before speaking.

"I told you I'd have you screaming."

If anyone is offended by this chapter, please let me know. I'm not using any warnings but I'm wondering if I should.... Thoughts?

What other characters should I write about?

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