Just Drinks

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You went back to the bar for another drink. Ordering a rum and coke, you guzzled half of it down. The weight and pressure of school was dragging you down, and you needed some sort of relief. You glanced around the pub, looking for any familiar faces, until you saw one. The same blond man that starred at you during the concert. The same blond man that caught never left your gaze as he played the drums. The same blond man who stole your heart and he didn't even know it. That blond man, or should you say Roger Taylor, was walking straight towards you. He neared you then stopped at the bar and asked for a beer. Thinking that he had just walked over for a drink, you turned around and downed the rest of your drink.
Only a few moments later, you felt the presence of someone behind you, but before you could think to turn around, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Your eyes widened as you saw who it was.

"You-you-you're him," you stuttered.

Roger smirked, before speaking.

"Haven't even met you yet and your already stuttering darling. Didn't know I had this much of an effect on you, and we're not even in bed!"

Your mouth dropped, in shock by what he just said.

"No, I mean your him - you're the drummer,"

He let out a toothy grin, before answering.

"Right you are my dear, but who are you is the real question."

Stunned by his answer, you opened your mouth to speak but nothing happened.

"Oh, what's wrong sweetheart? Cat got your tongue? I can get you talking, that is if you come home with me." Roger leaned in closer, merely centimetres away from you. He dropped his lips down to your ear. "Even better, I can have you screaming."

Your legs almost gave under you, your stomach twisting in knots, as you took it all in. THE Roger Taylor who was the ultimate sex machine, basically asked you to come home with him. Your stomach muscles tightened and you let out a small groan, quiet enough only Roger could here the sound.

"Use your words darling, I can't just steal you,"

Yes you can, you thought, thighs pressed together in anticipation. You nodded, giving him the OK to take you. He slapped a $20 on the counter for your drinks, before he grabbed your hand and led the way to the back of the pub. You walked slightly behind him, unsure of what was happening. Before you could ask him where he was taking you, he shoved you against the wall, kissing you aggressively.

You complied, opening your mouth and allowing your tongues to battle against each others. You groaned as he shoved his tongue in your most. You fell him smirk slightly before grinding up against you. This was supposed to be just drinks, but it had turned into a hot make-out session.

"Shit!" you said before pushing him away. His eyes widened with worry, surprised at the stop in your actions.

"What's wrong? Did I do something? Did I hurt you? Did I -"

You cut him off, chuckling lightly.

"No, I don't want to get caught!"

His face twisted into a shit-eating grin.

"What's the fun in that? Come on, take some risks!"

"I am taking a risk - I'm with a guy who doesn't even know my own name, who fucks everything that has two legs and I'm being told to take risks? I think this is pretty risky!" you scoffed back.

He glared down at you, before grabbing you and flipping you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Roger! Roger no, put me down, ROGER! Put me down please!"

He carried you until you got outside, where he put you down and grabbed your arm. He dragged you to his car, where he opened the back door.

"Get in. Now."

You could've collapsed at the sound of his voice, but you obeyed and climbed in. He slammed the door shut and it into the drivers seat. Starting the car, he flew out of the parking lot and gunned it down the road.

"Where are we going?" you asked, trying to see where you were, but it was too dark to tell.

"Shut that pretty little mouth of yours until I say so."

Shocked, but completely turned on, you listened to him.

A few minutes later, he flew into the driveway of a house, presumably his. He jumped out an opened your door.

"Get out" he said, voice clear but low.

You did as he said, and before you could shut the door, he grabbed you and dragged you into the house.

Ouuu Roger is so demanding! I like😏😉

Do you picture Roger in this story as Ben Hardy's version or the real Roger Taylor?

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