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"Hi Bri,"

Your eyes widened the minute you found out who was at the door.

"Have you seen Y/N anywhere? She was mad at me a drove off," Roger started. Brian coughed, trying not to give anything away.

"No, I haven't seen her since the studio last, why is she mad? Maybe you should apologize?"

You heard a loud stomp as Roger grew frustrated. "That's what I'm trying to do dumbass!"

You slowly crept across the room, looking around at your options. You could hide in the closet or under the bed, but you needed clothes on first. You grabbed your pants but when you reached down, the floor creaked. You held your breath.

"Is someone here Bri?" you heard Roger say. You tip-toed back to the bed and began to try to lay under it.

"Umm, well, uhh, you see, I have a, uh, friend here, and we were a little busy before you came so if you could excuse me, I have something to finish."

"Oh, Bri, you never really struck me as the guy to hook up with someone. Are you sure they don't want me in bed instead?" Roger laughed.

"No, Roger they don't, but I think they would appreciate if you would leave so we could finish up..."

"Of course, please call if you find Y/N, I'm going to ask Fred."

You heard the men say there goodbyes before the door closed. Climbing up on the bed, you wrapped the covers around you. Brian opens the bedroom door, peering in at you.

"That was close," you said, eyeing him. His eyes widened.

"You tell me, I had to talk to him!"

You say there, before looking up at him. "Up for a round two?"

He smirked cheekily, before jumping on you, pressing his lips to yours. He started taking his clothes off, but before he could finish, the bedroom door was kicked open.

"You fucker!" Roger screamed, tackling Brian. "Do you think I'm stupid enough to not see Y/N's car in you driveway?" You sat up against the headboard, watching the men wrestle.

"Rog- Roger! Stop!" Brian said as he shoved Roger off of himself.

"You think just because you had a go at her before that it's a free pass to take her from me and fuck her behind my back?" Roger swore angrily.

"Roger, it's not what you think, I-,"

"STOP!" you screamed, getting the attention of both of them. "Roger, please, get off of him."

Roger glared at you. "So now you're siding with him?"

"No, I mean- Yes, no! Just listen please!" you pleaded.

Both men had their eyes on you, waiting for you to speak.

"Roger, it was my idea, I-"

"What? Please tell me I heard you wrong. You fucked him?"

"I was mad ok! I wanted to let off some steam, and on top of that there was something going on with us, and we needed to-,"

"You needed to fuck. I get it, I'm just your sex toy and when I don't shag you every second, you have backup. That's fine, there's plenty of girls I can get with while you two are at it. Just let me know when you're done then I guess," he said, turning towards the door.

Roger Taylor - SmutWhere stories live. Discover now