Just a Dream

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You woke up shaking, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. You were confused why, but then it hit you. It was a dream. You never went to Brian's, you never argued, and Brian for sure never did anything with Roger. You quickly rolled over to look at Roger, who was peacefully sleeping. Checking the time, you only had 20 minutes until Roger's alarm went off to head to the studio, so you decided to get up and make him breakfast. Quietly, you crept downstairs and got making his meal. You went for a classic scrambled egg, toast and bacon that was extra crispy, and you made his tea, ensuring that he had the right amount of sugar in it.

Moments later, you heard the slight creak of the stairs as Roger walked down them. You finished putting his meal on a plate as he walked in.

"G'morning love," he said groggily, hugging you from behind. You only were wearing one of his t-shirts and your underwear, so you could easily feel his small erection through his boxers.

"Morning Rog, I made you breakfast," you said, turning around. "And I made you tea."

"Thanks darling, you put sugar in it?"

"One and three-sevenths, just how you like it," you said, earning a smile from him.


"Crispy, not burnt."


"Scrambled with butter."


"Lightly done with butter and raspberry jam," you finished.

"What did I do to deserve you Y/N?" he said, smacking your butt as he walked to the table.

Roger ate his meal, before talking again.

"Y/N, what were you dreaming about?"

Your eyes widened. You spun around to face him, slightly blushing.

"W-w-what do you mean? I don't think I had any dreams."

He looked at you, raising a brow. "Y/N, I heard you moan Brian's name, sure there's nothing to tell me?"

You sat there, mouth agape. "Roger, I can explain, I-"

"Stop," he said. "I only want to know one thing."

You stood there in shock. You couldn't even talk.

"Tell me what happened, every detail."



You told him everything. He sat looking at you with shock. There was nothing as scary as this moment, and having to tell him.

"And then he, he, uhh," you stuttered.

"Tell me Y/N, what did he do?"

"He fucked you."

With Roger, you always expected his reactions to be extreme. But, he kept his cool. Honestly, he looked intrigued.

"Wow Y/N," he said once you finished. "I don't know what to say."

You were shaking. "Roger, I'm sorry, I never have though of him this way, I-,"

"Save it Y/N. Just do what I say."

"Seriously Roger I'm really sorry, I-,"

"Y/N, stop." he said, his face still.
You looked up at him, worry in your eyes, your heart racing, and palms sweaty. Roger walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Come here Y/N," he said, beckoning you to come to him. Walking over, he unbuckled his belt. You knelt down, never breaking the eye contact. He nodded his head gently to say that you were doing the right thing.


"Y/N, you're incredible, you know that?" Roger said as he pulled out of you. You groaned at the emptiness in you.

"Shit, I'm late for the studio!" He was 20 minutes late, and he hated being late. "Fred's gonna be there before me!" Jumping to his feel, he got dressed and kissed you goodbye.

"I'll see you later, love you," he said.

"Bye Roger," you responded. As he left, you rolled over and groaned. You looked at the clock, which read "10:54 a.m". Flipping the covers off of you, you got dressed and decided to cleaned the house. Reaching for your records, you selected "I Want to Break Free" for obvious reasons.

"God knows, God knows I want to break free," you sang, swinging your hips to the music. You dusted off the shelves, laughing to yourself about God knows (hehe) what. Once you finished, you decided you would go to the store. Checking the fridge, you saw there was nothing there, so you decided to drive to the store nearby.

As you started driving down the main street, you start looking around. You thoughts begin wandering, but before you know if, a car honks, and you collide with another.

"Roger, help," you whisper, as the darkness consumes you.

"Roger, I'm sure she's fine," Briar says, as he watched Roger dial the house phone again. You were clear that you were home for the day, as you always answered the phone, but your absence made him concerned. Outside, sirens were heard, and Roger spun around.

"Bri, you know Y/N, she never misses a call," he said, with a terrified look on her face.

"Rog, I'm sure she's fi-" but before Brian could finish his sentence, the phone rang.

"Hello?" Roger said a little too excited.

"Is this Mr. Taylor?" the person on the other end of the line said.

"Yes?" Roger said.

"Sir we would like to make you aware that Ms. Y/N Y/L/N was in an accident and is on her way to the hospital right now."

Roger's eyes widened. He slammed the phone against the wall and ran out the door.

"Roger wait!" Brian screamed, speeding after him. The pair launched themselves in the car as Roger sped off to the hospital. 

Once they arrived, they scrambled through the doors, running to the front desk.

Roger tapped on the glass, grabbing the woman's attention. "Excuse me, is Y/N Y/L/N here? She was-"

"Was she in an ambulance?" the lady said.

"Yes!" Roger shouted, getting looks from around the room.

"Yes she is, but Sir I-"

"Where is she? I need I see her!" Roger screamed.

"Sir, she is in critical condition and is currently unconscious, let me tell the doctors that your are here." The receptionist calmly said. Roger turned to Brian. "See! She wasn't ok, Bri this is all my fault!"

"Rog, this isn't your fault, you couldn't have stopped this from happening," Bri told him, in attempt of calming his friend down.

The lady came and led them to the room, which contained Y/N, hooked up to more tubes then you could count. Rogers legs shook.

"Y/N, no," he said, dropping to the floor.

A/N: Hey everyone, surprise I'm back! So sorry for the long hiatus, I've have a lot going on it my life and I got sidetracked. Anyways, hope life is good!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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