Truth or Dare?

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You and the boys were traveling across America, finishing up their tour. Each show was incredible - the boys had really figured things out. ASF Records wasn't any sort of success, but that didn't hold them back. They played their best, each tour selling out completely. The 5 of you were on your way back to the hotel after a busy day preparing for tomorrow, which was their last concert before the next album release. The boys had had a couple drinks, but nothing that would affect their performance. You approached the elevator, hand in hand with Roger, and the others following close behind. You and Roger entered the elevator first, Brian following behind.

"3 person per lift" you read, looking at the sign on the wall, stopping Freddie and John.

"Oh come on Y/N, no ones around, we'll just sneak in," Freddie said, trying to squeeze in.

"Fred, no, you know how I am with rules," you argued. He sighed, before backing out.

"There are only 6 floors from here to where we get off. Don't try fucking each other between here and there," he said sternly, looking at you and Roger. Roger smirked, grabbing a handful of your ass.

"That's not a bad idea," Roger said, earning looks from the boys. You swatted him away, and turned back to Freddie.

"It's not my fault he can't keep his dick in his pants. Anyways, I'm sure Brian will keep him in check, hey Bri?" you said, raising your brow at Brian. The tall man huffed, and rolled his eyes. Without a word, Freddie and John made there way to the other elevator. The door closed, and you pressed the button indicating that you wanted the 6th floor.

The elevator slowly made it ways up, and the three of you watched the numbers rise. All of a sudden, the elevator jolted to a halt.

"Probably just a power surge, it's ok," Brian said. The number on the top of the door had gone blank, the buttons were no longer illuminated, and the quiet buzzing noise stopped. The three of you sat there for a few minutes before Brian spoke up.

"Maybe we should hit the call button and ask for help?"

You nodded, and Brian hit the button.

"Hello?" the voice on the other line said.

"Hi there, umm, my friends and I are in the lift and it quit working. What's going on?" Brian said.

"Oh yes, sorry about that, maintenance problems. It'll just be a few hours," the lady on the other end of the line said quickly. The line went quiet, and Brian sighed loudly.

"A few hours?" he mocked. "What are we going to do for a few hours? We don't have cards, books and I sure don't have a record player either."

"We need to do something that requires only us," Roger suggested, smirking slightly.

"What do you suggest there blondie? Patty cake?" Brian sneered.

"No, something a little more, mature, I suppose," Roger said boldly.

"And what is that Rog?" you asked.

"Truth or dare."

"Are you joking! We're not children! Hey, Y/N, I dare you to do 5 push-ups. Wow Roger, very original," Brian said, shooting daggers at the blond.

"No dumbass, a revamped version of truth or dare. An... adult version," he said, raising a brow at you.

"Pardon me Roger?" you said.

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