Just a One-Night Stand

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You woke up and rolled over to only find a cold bed. You opened your eyes and frowned - Roger was gone. You sighed, knowing that this was only a one night stand. You knew that it was never going to be long term, and you knew Roger had a long line of hookups on his resume so you shouldn't have been surprised. You weren't sure of what to do because it was his house, so you grabbed your clothes, which were scattered around the room, and made your way to the kitchen. You peaked around and saw a note near the coffee maker. Walking over, you glanced and saw it was for you.

"Hey baby girl, thanks for the great night. I had a band meeting today, but I made you coffee because I couldn't be there. Help yourself to anything in the fridge, bread is on the counter and muffins on top of the stove. I will be home at 2, please wait for me.


P.S. You're a pretty good shag, but I'd like to know your name"

You giggled at his note. He seemed kind and caring, but was it only because you banged him? You shook your head and made yourself a coffee. Sitting at the kitchen table, you sipped it out of the mug as you watched a squirrel climbing up one of the trees outside.

Looking at the time, you realized it was now 12:45, but you weren't sure if you wanted to wait. You were thankful that Roger was so kind to you, but you didn't think it'd be a long-term thing.

You made the decision to wait for him, so in the meantime you waited. You wandered the house and looked at photos on the walls. Pictures of Roger as a kid, Roger in school, Roger with his parents, and Roger with the band were plastered on the walls, telling stories to you that you would never hear. Before long, you heard the door unlocking as Roger walked in. You turned around to look a him and gave him a slight smile.

"Hi... I-I'm glad you stayed," He stuttered slightly. You smiled and replied.

"I didn't really a choice. I didn't have my car. Anyways, what's..." You trailed off and looked at the ground.

"What's what?" Roger said, curious of what you were thinking.

"What's happening."

Roger starred at you. Oh weren't sure if you had offended him, but it turned out that he was just studying you.

"I'm not sure. I'd love for you to stay, but I'd also like your name."

You smiled, realizing that he still didn't know your name.

You chuckled. "My names Y/N."

"Y/N," he breathed. "That's a lovely name."

You smiled, before speaking again.

"So, uhh, why did you want me to stay? I-I thought this was only a one-night stand, but maybe I-I'm mistaken and..." You trailed off, at a loss of words. You should have left before Roger came home. You were sure what was happening and you felt uncomfortable. You shifted side to side, and waited for what seemed like the longest time for his reply.

"I hadn't really figure that out yet," Roger said. "Y/N, you're really lovely, I don't want this to be it. I want to get to know you. I want to..."

Now it was his turn to be at a loss for words. The two of you stood in awkward silence and stared at the ground. You coughed, then started for the door.

"I should go, I'll see you around I guess."

"Y/N wait! Please don't go, I don't want this to be the end of us." Roger pleaded.

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