Just a Quickie, Eh?

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WARNING: This chapter contains a rape scene, please don't feel pressured to read that. I have it separated, so no surprises :)

You and Roger had been dating for quite a few months now. You had continued to go with them on tour, and finally you had a break. Roger said early in the morning he had "grand plans" for the two of you later that night, but mid-afternoon he got a call.

"Is this Roger Taylor?"

Roger scrunched his eyebrows slightly. You watched intently as you waited for him to answer the caller.

"Yes, speaking. Who is this may I ask?"

"This is Albert Signorino from ASF Records. I want to have a meeting with Queen and I figured you'd be the best person to call,"

Roger smiled. You knew something good was happening, but you kept quiet while Roger spoke to the mysterious caller.

"Oh, I see. When were you thinking? We're on tour right now, but there's a few days that might work."

"The only day available is today. Could you and the band meet me at the Oynx Café near Dundas St. at 5?"

Rogers face dropped. A pang of guilt went through him. He wanted a night in with you, but this was a big offer. ASF Records was the best of the best, and only dealt with the best of the best. This was something they couldn't turn down - not at this point in their career.

"That sounds great, we will see you there." Roger said.

"Thank you Mr. Taylor. I look forward to meeting you all."

Roger hung up the phone and turned to you.

"There's been a change of plans, darling. ASF Records just called and they want to have a meeting with us today at 5. Which," Roger check his watch, "is in 45 minutes."

"Roger, that's incredible! You have to call the boys, they need to get ready! This might be your big break!" you exclaimed happily. The boys had worked so hard, and you wanted them to be as successful as possible.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I know we had plans, I just..." He trailed off.

"Seriously Rog? Don't worry about our plans, we have the rest of the weekend."

"What about now?" he said, leaning in and kissing you, making a trail down your neck.

"Roger, you have to get ready. You still need a shower and you need clothes to wear. Have you even done any laundry? Just go shower and I'll figure that out," you said as you pushed him away.

"C'mon babe, I need you,"

Those words made you crumble. You couldn't turn him away - ever. You looked at your watch. He had barely 40 minutes to get ready and you didn't have time to fool around.

"Just a quickie, eh?"

You moaned, his words exciting you. One thing Roger had always put on a résumé was "works well under pressure", but you knew he was never talking about work.
Roger shoved you against the wall and the two of you ripped eachothers clothes off. You moaned and ground yourself against Roger. He flipped you onto the couch, and without warning, slammed into you. You screamed out when he pounded your g-spot repeatedly. His thrusts were deep and hard, but there were no complaints from you. You were a mess. You felt your insides tightening as you came close your your release. Moments later, you and Roger came together. He panted and slowed his thrusts down you both came down from your high. Laying there, he kissed you gently.

"Wow," you said.

"Yeah, wow," Roger repeated. You laid there for a minute, before he pulled out of you and got dressed. You say up an pulled a blanket over yourself as you watched him.

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