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Starting off with some canon ships~

Note: NSFW content


Apollo saw the gleam in his lover's eyes. They were stumbling through the corridor of the temple, breath heaving and the taste of wine on their tongues. Hyacinth kissed him harshly, yet with a softness that only he seemed to possess. Apollo leaned into his touch, the mortal trailing his hands painstakingly slow down Apollo's abs and finally grabbed him through his trousers. Instantly Apollo's eyes narrowed, looking intently into his lover's eyes. A silent promise of repayment, to be received by Hyacinth afterwards. He likes the change, after all, complying to his lover's wishes and allowing him to take control for once.

Moments passed, Apollo's mind racing to keep up. He's pressed against the wall, hidden from sight. This must be the back of the temple then. Hyacinth drew his teeth slowly against the edge of his jaw, moving towards the strong column of Apollo's neck. He's immediately hard, and he had been so before Hyacinth is on his knees before him. The image makes him emit a low growl in his throat.

Apollo couldn't take his eyes off of his lover. Hyacinth slid his pants down, running his hands back up his muscled bare thighs- and finally touched him. The feeling of Hyacinth's hands on him was like heaven, an angel blessing a human. He wanted- no, he needed more.

"Show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do, Cinth," he purred. In answering, Hyacinth licked the tip of his cock, moving his way up and across the slit and back along the length of Apollo. A heavy sigh was released from the god, brushing the hair out off his lover's face.

The moment he takes him in his mouth, Apollo threw his head back. Fisting his hand in Hyacinth's hair at the very back, he let out a series of groans, each one motivation for the kneeling boy to keep moving and sucking. He watched as Hyacinth slid his length into the warm crevice of his mouth, then looked up at him. He loved it, really, as the two's eyes met.

He couldn't help himself much longer. Between the sucking of his length and the massaging of his balls, Apollo's head hit the wall with a low thud as he swore, fingers now twitched in his lover's hair. The only sounds in the temple was his panting, the slick sounds of Hyacinth's mouth on his cock, and his breathless encouraging words.

"Just like that, Cinth. Oooh- You feel, so, fucking, good..." he moaned lustfully, hands tightening their grip as he pushed his lover's head further. Apollo went crazy as he moaned around his cock, vibrations driving him mad. It took all his willpower to keep from bucking his hips.

"Cinth... Slow down... F-Fuck, oh fuck, you're going to make me cum-" Apollo let out a louder moan as Hyacinth sped up at the prospect. He was doing it in earnest now, temptation filling him to make the god lose control. Hyacinth's aching jaw was no worry anymore, not when Apollo was writhing under his touch. His body was almost shaking from the sensory overload, tongue and lips and hands and his cock.

"Fuck... I'm gonna cum!" he warns Hyacinth. His lover did not back away as Apollo came in hot spurts between loud groands, spilling down his throat. He moaned louder than earlier now, stroking his partner's hair as Hyacinth licked him a few more times. Apollo pulled him up, kissing him deeply and savouring the taste of himself that remained on his tongue.

It was his turn to return the favour.

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