Say It - NSFW

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Note: NSFW content

Dionysus had been gone for a week. One long agonizing week. Some may argue that for the gods, a week was not much. But for Apollo, that was an entirely different case.

He was on the bed, face down with one hand behind him pushing a rather large dildo into his ass. There was a small splotch of wetness under him from where precum had escaped the cage around his dick. He'd been going at it for hours yet the cage definitely did his job. Looking up at the alarm clock, he realized Dionysus would be back soon. That thought made his dick strain against the cage painfully as he pulled the dildo out of himself. He might as well wash up.


"Apollo! Are you home?" Dionysus' voice rang out through the apartment. He set down his suitcase, shrugging off his coat.

"I'm here!" Apollo's voice came from the bedroom. Dionysus smirked to himself. Of course his lover would be in there. He'd left him horny and unable to cum after all. Entering the bedroom, he saw Apollo already in bed, blankets piled around him. He was probably naked under there too.

"I missed you," Apollo's voice cracked slightly. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, Dionysus started to unbutton his shirt.

"I'll take a shower first, okay love?" Apollo nodded, sighing as he watched Dionysus' bare back disappear into the bedroom. He noted the still-red gashes by his lover's shoulder blades, courtesy of Apollo himself. Slowly, he started to drift off to sleep.


"Couldn't stay awake for me?" Dionysus' sultry voice jolted him awake. Apollo smiled sheepishly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The alarm clock read 11p.m. He threw off the covers, revealing his naked state. Dionysus was naked too, and smelled of something fresh and citrus-like.

"I missed you too." Dionysus cupped his face in his palms, the two sharing a long, deep kiss. Almost instinctively, Apollo's legs wrapped around the other's waist, pulling him closer. The stiff plastic knocked against Dionysus' dick and he realized it was still on. Breaking the kiss, he fumbled blindly for the key. He'd put it on the bedside table before waking Apollo up. Managing to find it, he unlocked the padlock that kept the device shut and pulled the cage off. Immediately Apollo's dick sprang out, already hard and dripping.

"Did you touch yourself when I was gone?" Dionysus asked sternly. He played with Apollo's dick, rubbing the tip and running his hand along the slick shaft.

"N-No." Apollo gasped at the sensations, restraining himself from bucking upwards.

"Then why is there a wet spot on the sheets? And what is this?" Oh shit. Dionysus held up the dildo Apollo had stashed under the bed earlier. He knew not putting it back in the closet would be a mistake. He whimpered, still pinned underneath Dionysus. The deft fingers had moved to the rim of his asshole now, three slipping in with ease.

"Still loose, too. I ought to punish you." Apollo shivered, the words sending chills down his spine. The fingers in him were pulled out. Dionysus flipped him over, adjusting so Apollo now lay over his lap. He pinched one of his ass cheeks, slapping it lightly.

"You best let me hear you count, or we'll start over again." A loud slap sounded in the room, Apollo crying out at the sharp pain.

"O-One!" He yelped as Dionysus brought his palm down again. "Two," he whimpered.

"I can't hear you," Dionysus growled, "start over." Just like that, he delivered 20 blows to each of Apollo's cheeks. They were bright red once he yelled out the final "Forty!". Tears stained his face, sobbing quietly into the sheets.

"You okay?" Dionysus asked softly, pulling Apollo into a sitting position and wiped his tears.

"Y-Yeah," he cracked a smile, "I'm good." He pulled Dionysus into another kiss, the force of him pressing into the other almost making Dionysus fall over backwards. Apollo wrapped his arms loosely around the other's neck, legs spreading.

"Fuck me? Please?" He gave his best puppy eyes. Dionysus smiled, his boyfriend was too cute to say no to. He pushed Apollo down onto the bed, who immediately turned face down and put his ass in the air. Gripping his waist, Dionysus eased into Apollo, setting a slow and languid pace. The other pushed backwards in time, both of them falling into a rhythm. Slowly, they sped up, Apollo now a mess underneath Dionysus.

"Oh fuck, Dio- Fuck- It feels so good-" Profanity and compliments spewed out of Apollo's mouth, only serving to urge Dionysus to speed up.

"Ooo fuck yes- Yes- Fuck- Daddy-!" Apollo paused, realizing what he had let slip. Dionysus stopped his thrusting too.

"What did you say?" His words were accompanied by an almost animalistic growl, bruises on Apollo's hips now unavoidable.

"D-Daddy," Apollo stuttered, face and neck turning red with embarrassment. Hearing this, Dionysus fucked Apollo with a newfound vigor.

"Say my name. Say. My. Name." Each word was punctuated by a sharp thrust.

"Di- Dio!" He moaned and writhed underneath the wine god, loving how Dionysus found that exact spot every time he pushed in.

"Wrong." A hand wrapped around the front of Apollo's neck, choking him.

"Daddy-" Apollo screamed, the bed shaking with the force of Dionysus' rough fucking. Ropes of cum spurted from Apollo's dick, coming untouched and purely from the abuse his prostate faced. Several sharp thrusts told Apollo that his lover had came too as he rolled his hips slowly afterwards. Pulling out, Dionysus watched his cum seep out from the other's asshole. Slapping his ass cheeks for good measure, he adjusted both of them so he now faced Apollo.

"I didn't know you had a daddy kink," Dionysus noted, chuckling. Apollo looked abashed.

"I have a daddy kink? What about you? You lost control!" He said, an octave higher than he intended. Dionysus only shook his head as he pulled the covers over them. Apollo drifted off to sleep soon after, lulled by the soft fingers that brushed his messy hair. In his sleep, Apollo looked peaceful. Smiling softly to himself, Dionysus closed his eyes and allowed his dreams to take him away too.

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