Jewelry - NSFW

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Note: NSFW content

Might want a vivid imagination for the upcoming descriptions~

"This needs to come off." Dionysus slipped the soft white t-shirt off Hermes. Something snagged on the fabric, stopping it from coming off entirely.

"What the-" Gold flashed on Hermes' pale skin. It seems that he'd taken to accessorizing himself to some extent tonight. The piercings on his nipples had a thin chain between them, which was further connected to his navel's piercing. Two final chains were connected there, circling his waist and drooping down to create a fanciful effect.

"It's a body chain. D'you like it?" Hermes cocked his head to a side, glancing nervously at Dionysus. Every silent second that passed was agonizing.

"Did you get all dolled up for me?" Dionysus let out a little hum, his right eyebrow quirking up in amusement.

"Y-Yeah." A faint blush crept onto Hermes' porcelain face. Dionysus saw his embarrassment, lifting his chin with one deft finger so their eyes met.

"You're so beautiful, you know that angel? With or without all... This." He gestured to the chains. "Come on, let's take it off."

Hermes nodded. Carefully, the duo unclasped the chains, leaving the piercings.

"So beautiful." Dionysus resumed, setting Hermes back down on the bed. Their lips collided, sparks flying like it was their first kiss all over again. He licked Hermes bottom lip and gained entrance. Tongues fought for dominance, Dionysus winning and exploring the younger god's velvety mouth.

They separated for air, a thin strand of saluva connecting them that caused Hermes to giggle. The elder god shook his head, smiling, and leaned down to suck on Hermes' collarbone. He lapped and bit at the exact spot he knew Hermes loved, leaving marks that would surely be noticeable tomorrow.

Downwards, he trailed, tugging at Hermes' nipple piercing. Downwards, kissing around his navel. Downwards, all the way to the sweatpants that hung loosely around Hermes' waist. Slim fingers made quick work of the ties. And off the pants went.

"Going commando, huh?" Dionysus smirked as Hermes was revealed to not be wearing underwear. His cock sprung out, bouncing off his belly, already hard. Precum dripped from the slit.

Dionysus' lips closed around the tip, sucking gently. Slowly, he lowered himself onto Hermes' dick. Gasps flew out of the other, tangling his fingers in the wine god's hair. The sweet sounds he made urged Dionysus to suck faster, to bring forth even more noises from the younger god.

Hermes was close, the both of them could feel it. When Dionysus took him fully into his mouth and hollowed his cheeks, Hermes couldn't take it. He pushed downwards onto the back of Dionysus' head, forcing him there as he spurted cum into his throat. Spent and pleased, he splayed out on the bed. Dionysus swallowed audibly, moving upwards to kiss Hermes deeply. A lingering taste of cum remained on his lips.

As they broke apart, Hermes could hear items shifting about in a drawer. Then a cap being popped open. Then he could feel it.

A single finger, slick with lube, entered Hermes. Carefully, Dionysus pumped the other god. Another finger. The two digits within him curled, hitting his prostrate.

Hermes moaned loudly, back arching. A third finger joined the others, making him mewl with pleasure.

"Dio- Dio please-" He squirmed, thrusting onto Dionysus' three fingers. "Want you- Want you so bad-"

"Alright, you impatient thing, hang on." Dionysus chuckled, taking his fingers out to roll on a condom. Hermes' dick twitched in anticipation.

Finally, Dionysus pulled Hermes closer, putting one of his legs over his shoulder. He knew that angle was one of his lover's favourites: it allowed him to go deeper and reach his prostrate easily.

As Dionysus' length slipped into him, Hermes knew the night had just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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