Let's Change It Up - NSFW

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Note: NSFW content

"At long last! Some peace and quiet." Hermes flopped face first onto the king sized bed, suitcase left on its side by the door. Apollo picked the case up and placed it in the corner alongside his own.

"You've really been looking forward to this, huh?" Apollo chuckled as Hermes rolled over. He ruffled the short god's brown hair fondly, eyes sweeping the hotel room. There was a large window facing the sea and a full length mirror facing the bed. Odd, but useful. Apollo got up, pulling the curtains shut.

"It's been so long since we had some time to ourselves. You've been so busy with the mail and what not..." he trailed off, eyes focused on Hermes' lithe body.

"I know," Hermes sighed, "C'mere." Apollo went over per his request, slightly curious as to what he wanted. Hermes pushed him into a sitting position, getting up and straddling his lap.

"Oh." Apollo understood Hermes like he understood himself. He could tell what he was hinting at immediately but didn't feel like complying just yet...

"Apollo! Come on, it's been weeks!" Hermes shifted so he straddled one thigh only. He moved as if he were riding a dick, whining when Apollo only placed his two arms on either side of himself and watched. Hermes scowled. This was how we wanted to play? Fine. He could put on a show.

Hermes got up, stripping the pants and underwear he wore quickly. He decided to leave the hoodie on- It was Apollo's hoodie anyway. Returning to his position, the two shared a deep kiss. Hermes ran his hands through the other's hair, tugging and twirling it between his fingers. They broke apart only for breath, lips swollen.

"Make me," Apollo smirked. Hermes tugged on his t-shirt, which Apollo got the hint and took off. Hermes ran his hands down his chest, resuming his riding of Apollo's thighs. He was getting needy and desperate, the sensations giving him everything yet not quite what he wanted. His head was tilted back, eyes closed and whimpering slightly.

When Hermes opened his eyes to glance at Apollo, he found honey-brown eyes staring intently at his movements. Losing the courage he had found moments earlier, a bright blush spread all the way till his collarbones. He moved to crawl off, but Apollo pushed him down roughly onto his thigh.

"Go on then, ride my thigh. Desperate, pathetic thing." A sneer was on his face, glaring at Hermes with discontent almost. His plan had worked after all. Grinding harder, Hermes allowed gasps and moans to escape his mouth. He braced himself on the other's shoulders, whimpering to tell him he was close.

"Mmh- Apollo, I'm gonna-" Hermes was cut off by a hand over his mouth.

"Did I say you could cum?" Immediately, Hermes stopped his riding, looking nervously at Apollo. He hadn't expected that. His dick twitched with anticipation, betraying him. He felt Apollo's rough hands on his hips, forcing him to continue grinding whilst pushing him down harder.

"I didn't say you could stop either. Show me you can ride and you'll get my cock." He said it so nonchalantly, as if it were a normal occurence. Urged by the statement, Hermes quickened his pace, struggling not to come as he did. Precum dribbled down his shaft, soaking the jeans Apollo wore.

"Please Apollo, I need to come!" he whined, nails digging into Apollo's bare shoulders. He couldn't control himself much longer, opting to beg.

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