100% - NSFW

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Note: NSFW content

"F-Fuck!" Hermes whined as Loki burrowed deeper into him. How the trickster god managed that was a mystery to him, seeing as the two were so close they had merged into one.

"I- Oh fuck-" Hermes let out a moan, arching his back. Loki kept up his unrelenting pace, pulling out several inches before thrusting forcefully back into his lover. The bed shook with the force, Hermes thanking the heavens the two were alone in this cottage by the woods. They had come here to escape the hustle and bustle of their lives and it was proving quite... Successful.

"Loki-!" he dragged the last syllable, going several octaves higher as he did. Hermes was about to become part of the bed if he continued being fucked like this. Loki could tell Hermes was quite close, a feat seeing as he hadn't been touched at all. Thinking to tease him further, he pulled out of Hermes fully. The leg balanced on Loki's shoulder fell with a thud onto the bed, the vice-like grip on Hermes' waist loosening too.

"What?" Hermes cried out in anguish, "I was so close!" Loki only smirked, taking in the sight of the boy beneath him whose breath was heavy and sported quite the sex hair; the boy who went limp under his deft fingers and hot breath.

Slowly, the trickster god fell onto his knees before the bed, where Hermes' sun-kissed legs dangled over the edge.. Slowly, his tongue flicked over Hermes' tip. Slowly, indeed, was the second pace Loki had chosen for he was ready to make Hermes beg and squirm.

Loki licked along his length, pressing a fleeting kiss to that spot he knew all too well. He took a ball in his mouth, swirling it with his tongue. Hermes gasped, clutching onto the sheets beneath him. His eyes rolled back in pleasure, mouth agape. Loki let it go with a pop, continuing to lick and suck on him.

In one quick move, he took half of Hermes into his mouth and was sucking at a steady pace. The warmth of Loki's mouth seemed to take Hermes places, moans and whines spewing out without restraint. This- Now this was what Loki delighted in. Pranks, tricks, and wit were nothing compared to entrancing his lover, letting him fall beneath his soft caresses, letting his mind fly as Loki performed his magic on him, and most importantly letting him know exactly how much he savoured him.

Hermes couldn't take it anymore, letting his hand tug and pull at the curls on Loki's head. This was probably one of the best views- if not the best- that he had ever seen. His lover on his knees between his thighs, almost like he worshipped him. Hermes pushed on the back of Loki's head, forcing him to go deeper. He could feel the back of his throat, not like he minded. The one thing he absolutely loved about Loki was not his stamina, it was the fact that he had no gag reflex.

Glancing upwards, Loki could see Hermes' blissful face. He looked angelic, the white duvet pooled around his head. The rays of the sun that seeped through the curtains added to this, making Hermes' skin glow and him to look heavenly. Loki hollowed his cheeks, now deepthroating Hermes at lightning speed. Crying Loki's name, Hermes bucked upwards in one great heave, ropes of his cum shooting down his lover's throat. He didn't mind that, either, swallowing all of his seed and licking him clean.

Hermes had blacked out for a while, regaining his conscience a minute later. He still felt the sensations from the orgasm he had, taking a moment to stabilize his breathing.

"Love, are you okay?" Loki's smooth and silky voice came from beside Hermes. He was propped up on an arm, a worried look now adorning his features. Hermes cracked a grin, nodding.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good. Just... Blacked out a bit. You're too good," he laughed hoarsely. Well, screaming Loki's name that loud had some set backs. Loki didn't mind that too, loving how husky and low Hermes' voice was whenever that happened.

"You didn't... You didn't get to come." Hermes faced Loki fully now, sneaking quick glimpses below his chest. He was still very hard, oh that was obvious, and precum covered the tip. "I should pay you back."

Loki allowed Hermes to push him onto the bed. He straddled his waist, their cocks brushing against each other. Hermes was slowly hardening as he swiped the tip of Loki's cock with his fingers. Reaching behind himself as he had done a thousand times before, he pushed two fingers in and fucked himself gently, still slightly sore from the rough fucking he received a while ago. He was prepared to return the favour to Loki, deciding he would at least try to get his lover to see stars from an intense orgasm.

Feeling like he needed more now, Hermes lifted himself and dropped slowly onto Loki's length. It entered him like a lock entered a key, a perfect fit. He braced his hands on his lover's chest as he moved experimentally. Not like he needed to, seeing how he had practically reshaped himself for the other's cock. Loki sighed in pleasure, hands going to rest on Hermes' hips but was swatted away by the other man.

"Let me do it," Hermes winked, moving Loki's hands above his head. Now, one hand pinned his wrists to the bed and another braced itself on his chest. The fourth thing Loki didn't mind was switching it up in the bedroom. Their wasn't a set role for either of them, just whoever really felt like it. Today, it seemed, was a day where Hermes would take charge, even if for a brief moment. Loki knew he should savour it, as days like these were hard to come by. Hermes preferred being made love to, he supposed. That didn't necessarily mean he was completely submissive either. On a bad day, maybe, Hermes would soothe Loki. That was how their relationship was- always 100%. If one of them felt like 10% that day, the other would be 90%. It was always balanced perfectly and Loki knew that was why the two were such a good fit.

Loki was completely lost in his thoughts until the nails dug into his chest. Hermes had started moving, the curls on his head bouncing in sync with his bottom. Loki always liked the way his ass looked, two bubbles of tenderness that were oh-so-fun to spank. Especially in tight fitting pants too. No, scratch that, in everything.

As he had done multitudes of times before, Hermes was clenched tightly around Loki. Gasps fell out of his mouth as he fucked himself silly on Loki's dick. Hermes' hand was no longer on his wrists either, both on his chest now. Deciding to help both of them out, Loki grasped Hermes' hips and thrust upwards in a steady rhythm. The duo fell into pace, slowly but surely driving Loki over the edge. The grip on Hermes' hips tightened as he allowed Loki to fuck him. Hey, he was exhausted! With several powerful thrusts, Loki filled his lover up to the brim as he pulled him down for a kiss. He pulled out of Hermes too, letting the cum seep out of his lover's hole. Stars dancing across Loki's eyes, the two shared a passionate kiss as sleep claimed them at last.

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