Knots - NSFW

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Note: NSFW content

Loki smirked, looking at his neat work. Hermes laid on the bed, wrists tied above his head. He was squirming, naked with a blindfold covering his eyes. His mouth was gagged too, a trail of saliva making its way out.

"Hermes~" Loki teased, crawling up his lover's body. Hermes shivered as the other's breath tickled his neck.

Loki nipped at his neck, sucking and biting from time to time. Slowly, he moved down. He bit down a little on the other's nipple, sucking it and letting it go. Hands trailed over his hips, nearing his inner thighs.

Hermes let out a choked sound, unable to speak with the gag in his mouth. Nearing, Loki pressed a kiss to his hips, spreading his legs with a hand. Shuddering, Hermes didn't resist.

Fumbling in the bedside drawer, Loki took out a bottle of lube and a condom. Making sure his fingers were slick, he pressed another kiss to his lover's hips and pushed the first one in. Hermes bucked his hips at the sudden intrusion, and made a sound low in his throat as the second entered. His muscles clenched around the two digits, almost like wanting more.

Smiling, Loki pulled his fingers out, reaching up to take off the gag. Panting, Hermes squirmed. "Nggh... Loki... Please-"

Loki shook his head, pressing a kiss to the head of Hermes' dick now. Gasping, he tried to buck up into Loki's mouth but found nothing. "Patience, my love~"

Again, fingers entered him, joined by a third. Hermes let out a soft moan, clearly enjoying. They pushed in and out, curling once and finding a sweet spot. He moaned louder than before, wanting more.

"Loki, please just... Ngh... Please..." He cried.

"Please what?" Loki asked, wrapping his other hand around Hermes' dick, stroking lightly.

"Please... Just... Mmh..." he let out another moan, enjoying the sensations. "F-Fuck- Fuck me- Just... Nghh..."

"Good boy." Hermes shuddered, Loki pulling his fingers out and letting go of his dick. Somehow, he felt empty.

Rolling on the condom, Loki made sure there was enough lube before slowly pushing in. Hermes arched his back, trying to get more.

Slowly, Loki slipped his entire length into Hermes. "You okay?" He brushed a curl away from his lover's face. Hermes nodded.

Loki moved, first pulling out and inch and pushing in slowly, but the pace soon quickened. Hermes was grappling at the headboard, moans uncontrollable.

"You're so good for me, you know that?" Hermes shuddered. "So- So- Good."

The sound of skin hitting skin filled the room, joined by the occasional moan from Hermes. With the way Loki was grabbing his hips, he was sure it would leave bruises. Not that he minded.

Loki's hand crept its way up to Hermes' dick, stroking it in time with his thrusts. "F-Fuck, Loki... Nghh... Oh gods please- please- please-"

"Come for me, baby boy." Loki's sultry words sent him over the edge, ropes of cum decorating his stomach as he screamed. "Good boy..."

The orgasm caused Hermes to see stars, and he was pretty sure he blacked out a little. It had to be one of the best yet. With a groan, Loki sped up, indicating he too was near.

Roaring his lover's name, he came in the condom. Panting, he pulled out of Hermes and discarded the condom.

Moving upwards now, Loki kissed the other boy, tongues mingling. Letting go for oxygen, he smiled. "You were so good for me, you know that? So beautiful."

With his hands, he untied the blindfold. Then he moved further up, untying his wrists. He pressed soft kisses to them, rubbing the burns caused by the ropes.

"They- They'll heal." Hermes choked out, his throat hoarse from his loud moaning and screaming.

"Such a good boy for me." Loki kissed the other boy yet again, the two falling asleep in peace.

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