Books and Tea

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"Fell asleep on the table again?" Hestia said to herself. Athena was sprawled on the large mahogany desk, paperwork scattered on the ground in front of it. Her glasses were lopsided, her face peaceful. Hestia smiled softly, picking up the fallen papers and stacking them neatly on the table again. Carefully she removed Athena's glasses, placing them on the papers. The clock struck two in the morning, as an owl hooted outside the open window. The cold breeze from the serene nighttime was quickly shut out by Hestia. Drawing the curtains closed, she placed a hand on Athena's shoulder.

"Hey, wake up Athi," she said, shaking her lightly. Bleary-eyed, Athena raised her head.

"Mmm? What time is it?" She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, stretching and combing through her hair with her fingers.

"It just struck two. You should head to your bedroom," Hestia chided.

Athena sighed, "I wish I could. There's so much work left to be done-" Hestia placed a finger on her lips, shutting Athena up effectively.

"Work always comes second, Athi. Get some rest. You'll be more productive when you've gotten enough sleep, too."

"Fine, fine. I'll go to sleep." Athena grabbed her glasses and straightened the t-shirt she wore. With a grateful smile to Hestia, she exited the study, yawning as she did. Hestia looked sullenly at the abandoned cup of tea on the desk. She had given it to Athena a few hours ago, but had apparently been forgotten by the busy goddess. Hestia picked up the tea and too left the study. Soundlessly, the heavy door shut behind her on its own.

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