Babyboy - NSFW

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Note: NSFW content

Hermes looked around the room, tensing as he recognized several of the party goers. It didn't matter whether it was a masquerade or not- their actions and quirks gave it away immediately. It was the little things that Hermes tended to notice- little details others would deem a waste of time. Nevertheless, that trait of his had gotten him out of several prior predicaments.

Hermes rubbed his thighs together, biting his lip anxiously. He could feel eyes on him, on his entire body. He squirmed in his seat, nervous as to what would happen next.

"Why do you keep squirming in my lap? You know how it makes me feel." Dionysus' rough voice broke Hermes' train of thought. He could now feel the other male's hands on his hips, almost like a defensive motion against the rest of the guests. Hermes tilted his chin up to look at his lover, and sighed deeply.

"It's... It's just... So many people... And they're all staring..." Hermes shut his eyes for a brief moment, attempting to compose himself.

"Is my babyboy shy?" Dionysus teased, nipping at the other's earlobe. His lips trailed Hermes' neck, stopping to suck and bite at his collarbone.

"Mm- N- No-" Hermes arched his neck, allowing Dionysus more access. A few moments passed as the two relished in each other's touch- compatible like a lock to a key. Dionysus pulled away when he was satisfied with the new markings on Hermes' previously bare skin. His fingers trailed south, pulling at the soft white lingerie his lover wore. Hermes twitched, closing his legs shyly.

"Not... Not here..." Hermes moved his lower body away from Dionysus' hand. "It's bad enough I'm only wearing... This... And at a party... Everyone is staring, Dio..."

"But you look so pretty on my lap. So pretty, wearing that lacy little thing and a white tail plugged in your pretty little hole. Exposed for everyone, yet only submitting under my touch," Dionysus whispered, hot breath tickling Hermes' ear. He watched as the smaller boy's cock slowly rose, hardening with a few simple sentences. He looked obscene now, wearing lace underwear with the tip of his cock poking out.

Dionysus pulled the underwear to a side, lazily stroking Hermes' shaft. Moans and soft whimpers started to flow from the other's mouth, breathless and whiny. He continued to play with his cock, resuming his previous endeavor of marking his pretty boy.

"Do you want to put on a show for daddy's friends, babyboy? They all think you're so pretty, all want to touch you like I can. Maybe you can let them watch as you ride me, let them see how you squirm and gasp with me buried deep inside you, hmm?" A smirk made its way onto Dionysus' features, sly and unnerving. The words caused Hermes to shudder, letting out a soft cry as Dionysus started to stroke him harder.

"Or does my pretty slut want to please everyone in this room? Let them fill you up with their cocks or let them use your pretty little dick till you lose count? Let them fuck you until you are nothing more than a stuttering mess, dripping with cum? Bet you'd do anything to have everyone in this room praise you, no?" Hermes arched his back, precum dripping from his tip. He let out little huffs from time to time, trying to be as silent as possible to avoid detection. It was perhaps too late for that, as the party had stopped to stare at the duo. Dionysus, the god of wine, who was the only one who did not wear a mask, sat on his throne as he jerked off a masked man in his lap who had curls that were perfect for pulling and lips that were perfect for sucking.

"N-No... Hah... I'm... Only... Y- Yours..." Hermes breathed, screwing his eyes shut as he came. Dionysus growled, lifting his hand to his lips to lick off Hermes' cum. Sweet, like the boy himself.

"Good boy. Always so good for me."

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