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Zayn whispered over my shoulder he next morning. I opened my eyes and saw him glaring at me.


"We've got to head out if we intend to get to our appointment on time"

"Why so early?" I said sleepily.

"Well, blame Ryan. He made the appointment"

I sighed deeply, but got up sleepily and put on some jeans, a two-tone grey sweater, some brown knee boots, and a black coat.

"Okay Mr. "Lets walk at 7:00 in the morning because its funny seeing how gross Holly looks when she gets up early". Just know, not any guy could make me get up this early"

"So I must be special, yeah?" Zayn said, smirking.

"Oh, don't go all crazy on me. But yes, you are special. You're my hubby, duh you're special"

What...the actual fuck did you just say girl? Get..It..Together. You don't love him. Yes you do. No you don't. Oh, forget it. Yes, okay, maybe I do love him. Great, because he's in love with Perrie. Well, this is just peachy.

We walked out of the hotel, and through the run around doors just as it started to sprinkle.

"Well shit" Zayn said looking up at the sky. "Ouch!" He said, putting his hand over his eye.

I started laughing, but made him move his hand so that I could check his eye.
"Look up darling"

"Its just red from the rain drop, and you scratching it." I said looking into his eyes. He smiled as we stared at each other for a few minutes.

"Thank you for checking"

I nodded, slowly, then brought my lips up to his and kissed him gently. Yes, it was official. I loved that cheeky bastard. Maybe....

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my coat as we walked downtown.

We were currently in New York, going to see a pregnancy specialist to make sure Zayn and I would be able to have a baby, and that there would be no problems.

Zayn and I have worked really hard lately on being the couple that everyone thinks we are. No, its not easy, and we're so close to falling in love, I could almost taste it. Especially when his lips were on mine.

This had been the most romantic few months of my life. All of the baby talk excited me and I couldn't help but want a baby. Especially because Zayn would be the best father ever.

We walked into the clinic, and Zayn went to check us in.

"She said it'll be about a 5 to 10 minute wait" he said, returning to his seat next to mine.

He put his arm over mine on the arm rest, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Are you excited? Or scared? Or nervous?" he asked smiling.

"A bit of all three. I mean, we don't even know if we'll have any babies, but oh, I hope we can"

"Me too. You'd be a simply perfect mother. He would be such a lucky little guy"

"Zayn, did you just say "he"?"

"Yes. Was I not supposed to?"

"Considering that it could be a girl, no, you shouldn't say he. Are you setting your standards for a little boy?"

"I would kind of love to have a little boy"

"Zayn!" I gasped, playfully slapping him.


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