6: Nico and Sirius

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Same place! Food again!

I checked the note once more before me and Nico set off to the cave. I had taken food again and Nico was starting to get nervous. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, smiling up at him. He was clearly extremely tense and it wouldn't help when my dad inevitably got angry at his appearance.

'So Padfoot was Sirius?!' he said and I nodded, looking around to make sure we weren't followed.

'Dad?' I said as we entered the cave, praying nothing would go wrong with the meeting.

This time Sirius was in human form. At the sight of him, Nico almost fell backwards in shock. It would have been funny if the circumstances were different, but right now I needed to make sure my best friend didn't grass me up. I grabbed his arm to stop him falling, giving him a reassuring smile. He nodded and calmed down, though kept extremely close to me.

'Why did you bring him here?!' asked Sirius, his face frozen in shock. It quickly turned to anger as he thought I jeopardised everything. I had been expecting it, however, and knew exactly how I would calm him down.

'He can be trusted! Just tell him the story, I need someone on my side that I can talk to about this,' I said and pushed the basket of food towards him. I gave him a warning glare and he sighed but obliged.

Sirius told Nico the story and they both became more relaxed at every word. At the end, Nico was sure Sirius wouldn't kill him and Sirius was sure that Nico wasn't going to turn him into the Ministry. It had been a successful meeting and I now had someone on my side. Someone who knew the truth and who I could talk to when things got worse again, which they inevitably would.

'So... Do you two have a thing?' asked Sirius, genuinely curious.

Me and Nico looked at each other then burst out laughing. Us dating? It was such a ridiculous thought that we couldn't contain ourselves. I saw my dad frown in annoyance as we were both in hysterics, but we couldn't help ourselves.

'What? Can't I be interested in my daughter's love life?' he asked indignantly.

'We're just friends, dad!' I said, grinning. He was most certainly suited for parenthood, even without any experience he was such a dad.

'Good! You are too young to have a boyfriend!' he said and I gave him a look. He raised his eyebrows at me and I shook my head.

'I'm thirteen, dad!' I said, sighing.

'Thirteen is too young!' said Sirius, his face serious. He was such a hypocrite and seemed to forget that I had been living with his best friend from school, someone who told me all the tales I needed to know.

'From what I've heard from Remus, you were much younger than thirteen when you first got a girlfriend!' I said grinning widely at my piece of ammunition.

'Stupid Moony...' he muttered.

I raised my eyebrows at him but said nothing.

'Why were you at the Quidditch match?' I asked him accusingly.

'I had to see you play!' he said simply.

'Mm hm... And why did you break into Hogwarts and attack the Fat Lady?!' I asked him, even more accusingly.

'Oh... Er...' he said looking guilty, 'I was trying to get in to get to Pettigrew... And I got mad when she didn't let me in!'

'You could have just asked for the password...' I said and then I caught his look, 'I'm not telling you it now, don't be stupid.'

'We have to go! We promised to meet Ron and Hermione for a drink!' said Nico and we said goodbye to Sirius. Before we left, Nico looked back again, 'I believe you, Mr Black.'

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