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Seeing him like this is the hardest thing. How much can he take before  he'll fall apart and just give up? How many sleepless nights, worn out shoes or bruised ankles? Yes you have to work hard to get something you desire but at this point is it really worth it?worth all the pain and pressure he experiences every day?

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving ~

What if one looses that balance? Do you fall off or keep trying to move forward, closing your eyes, hoping you're still in your lane?

There are so many questions but no answers. He must be doing something wrong since the daily struggle didn't seem to stop. He felt as if he had hundreds of pounds on his shoulders, as if he was carrying the whole worlds troubles on his back.

It felt so lonely sitting in the practice room with everyone else. They were laughing,  they seemed happy, but why was he not part of it?

'Midam it's break time'

The manager patted his shoulder, making him forget about what he was thinking and focus on his surroundings.

'Yea, yea'

Ohh how he hated her. She was always the one coming with the bad news, how he wished he could just not see her whenever.

Midam quickly stood up and walked out of the practice room. The original plan was to go to the cafeteria and eat, like everyone else, but of course he would just sit there quietly and no one would even notice that he was there. As he walked further in the hallway the voices of the boys laughing and speaking was getting louder and louder.  Midam just walked up to Seunghoon, trying to get things done as quickly as possible

'Seunghoon I'll go to the store and tell the manager if she asks'

The blode boy in front of him just smiled and nodded his head, within seconds he turned back to his group of friends who were all eating happily, enjoy each others company. 

It didn't feel right, nothing did. There was that awful feeling in his stomach. He was exposed to so many things at the same time.  feeling of being left out, feeling of wanting to satisfy everyone,  wanting to be the perfect guy they ask you to be. Those thoughts were running through his mind as he walked to the convenient store. He'll get something simple, milk will be just enough. Just as he was about to grab the carton of milk his phone buzzed in his black jeans. Midam took out the phone and instantly blood started rushing to his head, making him sweat out of nervousness.

'When are you planning on finishing your kindergarten play and coming back? - dad'

The boy felt his heart beat faster than ever, making him scared of just thinking about what to do. What is he gonna tell his dad? That he was right all along and this idol thing was just his teenager obsession. He was 21 already, age where you should start thinking about your career seriously,  damn you must have everything planned by now. But it feels as if he is wasting all of this, his parents aren't proud of it as well. Midam finally grabbed the milk and walked up to the cashier, ready to pay.

His mind was running wild, how could he even hold on in this survival? He was already closing his eyes, sitting on the bicycle.

Lee Midam//Social Casualty Where stories live. Discover now