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*none of this is actually true, I don't know ANYTHING about his family or their relationship and this is 100% fictional*

The more I think about it the more I realize that it's time to let go. Sometimes it's not possible to go down the road you want just because it's shorter mayhaps it is also more dangerous and hard. Those kids must have it easy, they seem to do nothing but still get a praise from everyone.

The male with light hair kept on staring at the pillow on his bed, it wasn't interesting in any means but the dead silence in the room made the smallest things talk and have their own story to tell.

He blinked in surprise when his phone let out a 'ting' sound, annoyingly hitting him in the head.

Midam looked at his left and saw the bright text on the screen.


Was it worth reading at this point? He didn't want to talk to his parents anymore, not because he didn't love them it's just, everything's he would feel like nothing but a burden to them and that was the truth his dad kept on talking about.

'Your mom wants to have a family dinner today, come at 6'

He threw the phone on his bed again and sighed loudly. Everything went back. He didn't want to go, he really didn't want to. As usual his dad would nonstop talk about his future and career, his mom will defend him and his sister will just stay quiet, act like it didn't concern her.

But maybe it will be better to finally escape from this suffocating room which seemed to be full with loud silence. A new place for him to start something....again.

Midam walked out of the bus and looked around the familiar street, nothing seems to change at all in this place, the lamppost next to the bus stop still has one light broken after his last visit, which was two months ago.

His parents lived in one of those houses in korea which seemed to be so close to each other that you feel like they even share a room together. Midam hated it so much. Yes, it was okay for one or two days but seeing an old man come out of his house in his underwear every morning wasn't the exact thing Midam wanted to see.

He fixed his black hoodie and looked at his front door, preparing himself to enter another dimension where he couldn't escape the awful reality anymore.

With the light pull of the doorknob he pushed the door lightly before fully walking in himself. Instantly he saw his mom walking out of the kitchen with an apron on and soon after did the nostalgic smell of home come back to him. His eyes wandered everywhere in the small corridor with cream colored wallpaper. His dads shoes were wet which meant that he just got home as well since the rain just stopped outside.


His mom smiled the biggest she could and he could feel his heart drop to his knees. She was always the one protecting him even when he was wrong and he felt like she'd always take him in no matter what he did.

'Hi mom'

He was pulled in one of those assuring and warm hug he always received from her. The familiar smile, smell and voice made him want to cry, it was enough to make Midam want to break down in his mothers arms and tell her all the worries.

But he couldn't do it. He couldn't add it to the massive bundle of mess he had created himself.

'How have you been? Are hungry, did you eat something?'

'No I came here all empty to taste your cooking'

'That's my boy, I made your favorites'

She giggled and waddled back into her kitchen with a bring smile.

Lee Midam//Social Casualty Where stories live. Discover now