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He sits there all quiet again. He doesn't say anything, why does he do that? Of course he needs someone to lean onto, someone who he'll tell his worries...but he never seems to put effort in finding a person like that. It's like he wants to go though it alone, doesn't want to look weak and helpless.

how I wish you wouldn't have to carry that weight all alone... I hate that you never tell the boys how you feel, they're your best friends, shouldn't you tell them at least the smallest? I'm sure they'll understand, just drop a hint...but damn, is it that hard for them to notice? You always seem so tired of practicing and it's like you have no motivation at all. Midam you lost that hope and courage you had when you first came here. Damn I still remember how different I thought of you. That blonde dirty hair you had and the way everyone wanted to get to know you. After all these years Nearly all of them lost interest in you. How can I leave you at this state? Knowing that you're so close to giving everything up.

There he stands up from his seat in cafeteria, grabbing the attention of the boys. Hyunsuk tugged on Midams yellow hoodie, smiling like a dork at the elder.

'Can you get me a coke please?'

'I'd like sprite if you don't mind'

Yedam asked him as well, Midam smiling as he saw how polite and awkward the young boy was. Of course he nodded his head and with a light smile walked away from the table. He was walking to the vending machine now with his usual cold face.

Gi quickly excused herself from her friends and ran out of the cafeteria. As she closed the glass door of the fancy big room everything went quiet and scary silence kicked her back in reality. She was always so confident with him, never afraid to talk to him but this time she couldn't stop her legs from shaking, it felt like electricity was running through her thighs. But afraid to loose time she quickly turned to right where she saw a guy crouching down in front of the vending machine, his legs pulled to his chest. Midam was just blankly starting at one of the drinks, not realizing what he was doing. Gi sighed deeply...she was scared, she was so scared. How she wished she could just go up to him, grab his hand and run somewhere where nobody could find them, so he could tell her all the worries and she could make him feel special again.

Gi slowly walking up to him and kneeled down next to the blondie, looking at the drink herself.

'Wow, what an interesting view right?'

Midam just realized that someone was sitting next to him and that made him jump a little. He was about to scold her when he understood why she said that, he was really there for minutes now, staring at the machine, thinking of what do to with his own life. He felt like there was not enough time, the wind was already blowing too fast and if he wouldn't settle down quickly the wind would fully take him.


Midam managed to say that, his cheeks heating up a little from the embarrassment. Lee Gi just giggled lightly and placed her head on her knees, looking at the handsome boy.

'God damn Lee Midam, you're even more good looking when you just space out'

'You're too forward sometimes, you know that?'

Midam laughed out lightly and shook his head. He'd lie if he said that girl didn't catch him off guard sometimes but he was too caught up in his own shit to even care about something else.

'Yes but I think it is better than holding in what you think...I mean that can lead to a lot of things'

Gi said it in all seriousness, closing her eyes a bit as the light from the machine was hurting her eyes a bit. She always dropped hints like these whenever she could and be sure he got it most of the time but chose to ignore it.

'Yea but sometimes it's better to hold it in'

'Sometimes. Not all the time Midam, I think it's okay to tell others what you think, even compliments like this matter, it shows how you feel and what you think'

Midam just sighed lightly and grabbed the three dropped bottles from the machine. He looked at Gi and just smiled lightly

'Let's go or they'll start looking for us and after they'll see us they won't stop teasing'

Midam stood up as he said that, making Gi look up at him.

'Let them tease, it's not like I'd complain'

Gi smiled cheekily and stoop up herself, following the older boy in front of her.

'You are lucky staff hasn't here or both of us would be dead'

Midam looked at her in all seriousness at right in front of the glass door. Gi looked at him dead in the eyes and smiled.

'Well I'm not a boring person, unlike somebody here'

She pushed the door open and walked in the cafeteria. Midam just shook his head lightly and sighed. it all went back to it's first look, Midam sitting next to his friends quietly and Gi looking at him from her seat concerned.


I'm not gonna give you guys details of Lee Gi since you can just imagine her as you want or you can just imagine she is you 😂💛

Anyways I don't know Midams personality well so I'm trying to improvise with what I got, please don't get mad if you don't like anything

Thank you for reading 💛💫

Lee Midam//Social Casualty Where stories live. Discover now