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It's been a full forty eight hours in North Haven, and I'll have you know I don't actually hate it. Which is a first.

Usually when I go from place to place it takes a little while for me to feel comfortable where I am. And for some grange, unknown reason, I'm content.

I ran into Jane, today. Or well, she ran into me. She said there was going to be a BBQ firework show tonight for the Fourth of July over at the beach and I were to come. After I resisted multiple times she finally convinced me and skipped along home.

So right now I was getting ready for the beach. Daisy was staying in the hotel room, her and loud noises don't always mix. So I'm currently standing in the mirror pulling my hair into a pony before setting off. I slip on shorts over my bikini bottoms and a white coverup on top. I kiss Daisy goodbye and set on my way.

"Taylor, Taylor!" Jane announces proudly jumping up. She's in a cute blue dress with her hair in pigtails. "Over here!" She squeals, as if I haven't already seen her.

I nod and she meets me half way, grabbing onto my hand and dragging me towards her family. "Mom, this is Taylor! The girl I was telling you about."

Her mother looks from from a baby in blue and smiles. She's got the same freckles as her daughter, but darker hair and brighter eyes. "Nice to meet you! I'm Olivia. Jane just won't stop talking about you. Where are you visiting from?"

"Toronto." I say without hesitation. "Needed a little time away from work."

"Understandable." She smiles. "Take a seat! Where do you work?"

I sit down in a lawn chair beside her. "I'm a Nanny for a family of three little kids. They went on a tropical vacation and I stayed behind. I prefer road trips."

"I'm right there with ya, planes give me anxiety." She looks around. "Paul! Come here, come meet Taylor. She's visiting from Toronto, she's a nanny there! Explains why she's so good with kids!"

Paul walks over and sticks out his hand introducing himself. "Nice to meet you."


I make small talk with the family until Bridget finds me, dragging me off to meet her family. And it's like it goes from wild fire I can't keep track. All I know is that the people in this town, everyone is friends. Everyone... Trusts each other. But then again, they have no reason to believe I would lie straight to their faces. And I can't tell if I like it or hate it.

At some point during the night while I'm painting on little American flags to all the kids cheeks, a screaming begins and at first I panic but no one else seams to be. When I look back, Max has ran from his spot in the sand and they're all running towards one thing.

Mary is being hoisted up into the arms of a taller figure. "Joel!" I recognize it as Bridget's voice and then it all makes sense.

I look back to Olivia, who is rocking her son to sleep and I dust my hands on my knees. "Who is that?" I ask and she looks up laughing.

"That's Joel. He's like the celebrity of the town. Everyone loves him. Good guy. Good heart. And he's always looking out for the kids which is nice. He works down at The Way." I catch myself looking in his direction. "Have you met him yet?"

"Um, yes. Actually. Just after I rolled into town, he paid for my order. He was very strange, though. Overly friendly." Olivia chuckles. "What?" I say joining her.

"That's Joel. He just likes to make people smile. Maybe he thought you were having a bad day."

I nod, "yeah, maybe."

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