So Happy

196 14 18

I can hardly contain myself as I roll up to the house. I hardly even remember how to close the car door before I'm running through the house entrance to find Joel sitting on the couch watching something on tv.

I throw myself on top of him and his sent of washed up cologne floods my senses. His hair is damp and his skin is still moist. "Joel." I say softly, pushing my nose to the side of his, my eyes shutting.

His hands grasp at my arms as he chuckles, pushing himself up. "Taylor." He says in a kindling matter. "Good to have you home." He goes to kiss me and I almost don't let him. I just want to sit there and take in everything that he is. Almost more beautiful than I remember. "For a moment there I thought maybe you were just gonna keep running."

"From you? Nah. I had to come and at least pick up Daisy." I look around and sit properly on the couch beside him. "Where is she, anyway?"

"Outside, probably. Or sleeping somewhere. She tends to do a lot of it."

I nod, "indeed."

"Well, now that we have that covered." Joel says deeply, moving closer and running his hand down my neck to kiss me. Our lips meet and I almost forgot how soft and soothing his lips were. And if we had of been standing my knees would be weak.

"Joel." I mumble as our lips part momentarily. "We have to get ready."

"Babe, I am ready." He says, kissing my jawline and I push him away.

"Joel!" I squeal as the sensation of pleasure Joel had commended hits me, "for Kacey's barbecue, we have to get ready." There's a sad attempt at trying to compose myself.

"Runaway..." He pulls at my hand as I try to stand, "I missed you, come on now."

I roll my eyes and try to pull him up with me. He stays put. Too strong and muscular for me to control anyway. Instead, he pulls me down into his lap and I laugh, hair falling into my face while Joel holds my hands. "I missed you."

"And I you," I attempt at flipping my hair out of my eyes. "But we have to get going." My nose touches to the side of his to kiss him briefly. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. There will be plenty of time for us. Okay?"

"Fine." He pouts, sticking out his bottom lip and I kiss him gently.

"You don't work tomorrow, do you? We'll have all day then." I rub his cheek gently and kiss his forehead.

Joel goes to say something and then stops himself. It's the same breathy feeling he's been giving me a lot lately and all I can wonder is what's under this breath. What is he wanting to say. "Let's go, then." He motions and I stand up, flick my hair out of my face and dance off to the bedroom to get ready.


Kacey greets me with a hug and scratches Daisy on the head before I put her down to join their two dogs. "How was the drive, sweety?" She asks, chewing gum in the side of her mouth as we follow her in.

"Long." I joke, and Joel's hand fines his way to mine and I look over at him and smile.

"Was there much traffic?" Kacey asks and I'm brought back.

"Not as much as I was expecting."

"That's good." We follow her into the backyard where her hubby, Robbie, stands at the barbecue, flipping burgers and such. "You were allllll Joel talked about!" Kacey chuckles sitting down in a lawn chair which Joel and I do as well.

"Oh hush, kace!" Joel mumbles and I look over to see his face red and bright.

"It's true!" Robbie says, sitting from the BBQ.

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