Strangers In Love

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It's been a few days and things with Joel and I have levelled back out. They always do, it's just natural I guess. And for us, it makes sense. This morning Joel and I are reluctant to get out of bed, and thankfully we don't have to. I lay on my stomach beside Joel, his hair messy, his eyes droopy and and his voice husky.

"I love you." I whisper, running my index finger along his lips. The words just falling.

Joel sleepily drags his hand around my waist and pulls me close so effortlessly. "I love you." His eyes close and he moves his lips to be closer to mine. The sides of our noses press until our lips meet and I drag my fingertips along his jaw.

"Let's stay like this forever." I mumble between kisses and slowly move my legs around his.

"I would be completely okay with that." He whispers back in that morning voice that drives me insane. He's so warm I could fall right back to sleep.

I close my eyes and move my head to his bare chest where his heartbeat stays steadily. I don't know if it's something normal, but I'm obsessed with heartbeats. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the sense of being alive that I like. It's that steady reminder that 'you're here for a reason.' And right now, my reason is Joel. It's the moment like those that remind myself that maybe, in fact, love does exist. Maybe love was something that one could find and maybe soulmates really were something that one should search for. Love wasn't just some stupid thing that our mind created, love was real. Love was Joel and all that our sleepless nights had to offer.

"Taylor." Joel mumbles and I look up slightly. "Why don't we go on a date tonight?"

"What? A date?" Dates weren't something Joel and I usually did. We usually just hung around the house or around town. We spent everyday together, dates just never really happened. Not planned ones, anyway.
"Yeah. You and me. Just us. The beach and a good bottle of wine... What do you say?"

"I say you can never turn down a good bottle of wine, ever." My lips stretch for his slightly.

Joel pecks me and smiles. "Atta girl, that's the answer I was looking for." He chuckles. "What would you like me to make?"

"Something chill."

Joel twists my hair around his finger. "When you say chill do you mean cold, like ice pops or lemonade? Or chill, like relaxing. Or just, whatever?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm good with absolutely whatever you want to make, babe."


Later that day, we make our way to the beach. Not the one in town, instead the one that's only a fifteen minute drive from our place. It was just us and some crisp ocean air.

I hop out of the truck skip around to the front, waiting for Joel to come strolling along. I was in a cute girly dress, one I knew Joel loved and he eyes me as he walks forward. "I sure am lucky, aren't i?" He asks, extending his hand and intertwining our fingers. In his other hand, a picnic basket.

"I'd say so."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, leading me through the small Boardwalk until we reach the sand and I'm kicking off my shoes, dancing around. "Pick a spot!" He hollers and I stop dancing to face him.

"Here! Right here!" I call back, falling to the ground and doodling pictures in the sand. Joel starts jogging, sand flying from under his feet. He hands me the basket before laying out a blanket and then kneeling upon it. "This feels so cliche." I chuckle, opening the basket and pulling out its belongings.

"Why?" Joel raises his eyebrows and begins to helps.

"Two love birds, a picnic on the beach, just seems so surreal." I smile, tucking my hands into my lap and smiling, staring at Joel. Moments like these are ones I hold on to. The simplicity and the freeness. I lay back on the blanket and stare above at the clouds, the sun slowly setting behind them. "I just love it out here. I love everything about this."

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