Dream - 1

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He wanted to sleep.

He needed to rest for a while before waking up to the sunlight which slaps it's -not so gentle- 'hello' into his dark brown and oddly -but beautifully- triangular eyes.

"Where are they? Damn it.." His eyes searched his bedside drawer but found none of the pills he needed. He groaned out in agony as his head stung, his heartbeat ringing in his ears, making him flinch and tremble with steady but painful throbs. He was feeling like shit for the last twenty hours.

He could ask Namjoon for help, but he couldn't find the energy to pick his phone up and dial the younger's number.

His eyes were glued to the ceiling as he laid on his bed, under the covers to stay warm. He felt the urge to go to the bathroom. He tried to ignore the pain in his head and get out of his warm bed, and somehow ended up standing up. He yawned desperately. He hasn't been sleeping for three days. He quickly accomplished the bathroom mission and slumped back on the light gray, soft and welcoming covers.

He gently laid his head down on his pillow. The soft shuffling sound made his brain scream.

"I gotta get a softer one.. ugh." He muttered to himself and made a mental note for later as he tried to make himself comfortable. After an hour or two, which is filled with a headache that felt like the exact definition of death, he decided to call Namjoon.

"Yo, bro.. I'm dying."

"Good four o'clock to you too, hyung. I guess this is another sleepless night. I'll be there in ten minutes, hang on." Namjoon gave Yoongi a shot of his five second long speeches that never failed to comfort the older. Yoongi was a silent person, he never spoke too much, nor liked people who were too loud.

In a few minutes, or hours, Namjoon knocked on the door to make sure he was there. After a few seconds of silence, of course, he had to scream.

"FBI open up!"

Yoongi answered with a text. The light his phone's screen flashed was hurting his eyes.

'Your voice just echoed in my skull. Also, you could just twist the doorknob you asshole.'

Yoongi heard Namjoon step inside and take his shoes off. "How are y- oh my god, hyung. Did you get hit by a truck or something?"

"It hurts so much Joonie, I wanna die.."

"I brought painkillers for you. How many days has it been this time?"


"I'll call an ambulance if this happens one more time." Yoongi could easily hear the concern in the younger's voice.

He didn't want to be a burden anymore.

He just wanted to sleep.

"Here. Take these." Namjoon handed him a handful of pills. Yoongi gulped them down without any water. He closed his eyes and laid back. After a while he felt so light, the pain was gone, he had been freed from his cage made out of the invisible material called reality.

He opened his eyes to a cliff, which was in front of a light blue, beautiful sea. At the edge of the cliff stood a man with dark red locks swaying in the gentle breeze, a beautiful human who looked like an angel under the soft lights of the sunrise.
"Hello," the man said. His voice was a bit raspy, but full of joy. "Welcome back, Yoongi." His smile.. oh gods bless that smile. His lips were curved into the shape of a heart, his white teeth shining like pearls and his eyes overflowing with happiness. His voice sounded like he has been waiting for Yoongi to arrive, as if he was longing for the blond man.

"Do I know you?" Yoongi asked. The man smiled even more brighter. "Not yet, but we will meet."  The man gazed at the foamy waves of the sea. His smile was fading away, an expression of loneliness taking it's place slowly.


He gasped for air as he felt a sharp pain scourge his body. He was panting, sweating and unnecessarily panicked. All he saw was white. 'Hospital? Why?' He thought.

"Hyung, hyung are you okay? Don't panic, we're in a hospital room." Namjoon's voice echoed through his mind. He was there, Jimin was there, also Taehyung too. If they were at the local hospital Jin-hyung would be there in a minute.

"Did I die...?" His voice was nothing more than a whisper, almost inaudible. Taehyung and Jimin looked like they cried, their eyes looked all red and puffy.
"No. But you could. You've been asleep for three days." Jin's words crashed into his brain.
"If you don't take the right meds your insomnia might cause you to have other health problems. And that could lead to death." He was there to help. But telling him -someone who had a hard time with keeping his eyes closed more than a few seconds- to sleep was not so helpful. "Ah, good to know."

"Your brain needs to calm down and take a break for at least four hours a day. But your little pile of pink spaghetti hasn't been resting normally for almost a year, Yoongi. And that's concerning." His -normally full of joy- voice dripped with fear, he was afraid of losing his friend, his brother.

"I'll make sure to check on you every week from now on. When you can sleep in a normal schedule, I'll do that once in a month until your insomnia is fully cured." Jin's tone of voice gave him some comforting chills. "I plugged in some IV drops for you. You'll be fine for a while."

Yoongi's eyelids felt heavy. Every word spoken just seemed to disappear into the thin air. It felt nice and warm. Yoongi smiled to himself.

Yeah, he would probably manage to close his eyes and silence his thoughts for a while.

Maybe he could meet the redhead again?

It's me. Hello. This is my very first Sope fic, so please, don't throw fire at me if I make a few mistakes here and there. If you have any requests for the upcoming chapters, please leave a comment. I'd love to write with your opinions in my mind. Also don't be shy to tap that star sign. It doesn't bite.


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