Dream - 2 "Soulmate"

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 The endless black sky was filled with small, shiny white dots. A beautiful scene to look at. 

"How the fuck did I just-" His eye caught a shadow, a silhouette. 

"You again?" a voice called out for Yoongi's attention. He turned his dark brown eyes to meet the red haired man's. "You sure do visit me a lot, don't you?"

Yoongi smiled, "I'm sorry, is my company making you feel bad or something?" The redhead chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not. Instead, your presence makes me feel better."

'His smile could cure my insomnia and stop wars, bring peace to the world, oh my fucking god.' Yoongi thought. He looked truly gorgeous when he smiled.

"What's on your mind, Yoongi?" The way his name rolled out of that mouth was intoxicating. Yoongi wanted - no, needed- to hear more of the man's voice. It was like a strawberry. A little bit sour, but also sweet. Like his appearance. His body was built with a solid but thin layer of muscle, his hair was looking soft, his eyes were a beautiful brown color, had long eyelashes that decorated his flawless caramel skin. He was Yoongi's dream after all.

Just another dream that will be long forgotten in the morning.

"What the fuck." Yoongi asked himself, confused.

He heard Jimin's voice ask him what was wrong. Without bothering to open his eyes, he answered the younger.

"Jimin. Holy shit, I think my gay ass fell in love."

"That- Hyung that's great! Who is He? Is he cute? Where does he work? What's his name?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just facepalmed mentally and cursed himself for not asking the man's name. "I have no idea, but for the last ten months I've been having dreams where I see this one cute guy. I might be just imagining him. Because no human being can be so damn perfect."

"Hyung. You're, uh... you either have an actual soulmate or kinda delusional. Should I tell Jin-hyung about this?" The blonde shot up from the hospital bed. "No you won't tell him anything, he's the only good thing about sleeping."

In that moment he had realised whenever that guy appeared in his dreams, he never woke up with a headache. He always felt completely fresh and recharged, completely ready for the new shitstorm, which life had decided to throw at his face.

"He relieves my pain Jimin," he gestured his own body, from head to toe. "He's my cure."

Jimin sighed. Yoongi was being himself again.
The last time he slept for a whole night was almost a year ago. And he just slept through three days, like a stone. "I'll call him Hope." Yoongi flashed his cute gummy smile to the younger. "Why hope? Why not a normal name?"

"Because he makes my hopes go over nine thousand to see him again. And to do that, I need to sleep." Jimin looked into his very soul with a confused expression. His face twisted into a different kind of confusion as he tried to solve the equation Yoongi slapped across his brain.

"..how does he even look..?"

Yoongi took a deep breath. "One word Jimin, beautiful." Jimin rolled his eyes and asked it in a different way. "I meant his appearance, hyung.."

"Oh." Yoongi's eyebrows twitched as he concentrated. "Um. Dark red hair? Kinda buff. Taller than me, dominant but doesn't give off that dom daddy vibe. Probably younger than me, a year or two. I don't know, cute? Absolutely. Also has this- uh," he pointed his mouth. "Heart smile thing?"

"Okay. I'm officially freaking out." Jimin's face has gotten pale. "You just described Hobi-hyung from the gym I go to."

"Um. First of all, what the fuck. And as for second," he thought for a second. "Do you have a picture of him? I have to see what that 'Hobi' looks like. Y'know, to confirm."

Jimin whipped his phone out and showed Yoongi a recent selfie 'Hobi' has sent him.

The red hair, high cheekbones and heart shaped smile was exactly the same as the dream version. But this one was looking softer. He looked caring and nice, let alone an extra gentle soul which was showing in his eyes. Yoongi felt a slight tug in his chest and his increasing heartbeat banged against his ribs.

Yoongi had to try to use the myth of Soulmates which allowed the destined partners to communicate through their skins.

"Give me a pen you midget." Jimin pouted at his comment but did as he was told and dipped his small hands in his backpack, then handed Yoongi his favourite blue marker. The blond wrote something on the skin of his hand and waited.

After two or three minutes a red text appeared under his thick blue one.

'Meet me at Jimin's place. Tomorrow at 2.30'

'Omg my future lover'

'I'll be there bby♡'


A red smiley face appeared in his palm.

'That's something he would definitely do.'

Jimin looked at his hand, "Oh my god. That shit's adorable."

Yoongi just smiled. "I love him so much already."

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