Fucked up - Question

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Yoongi isn't sure, but Hoseok says that he'd look nice with green hair.

Hoseok gets to see his scars.


The blond male yawned loudly. He was getting his beauty sleep every day since he met Hoseok. Being stuck in a house all day was not that bad when he had a funny guy next to him.

Hoseok always felt happy and positive when Yoongi was around, and since he was on a break for a while, they could spend more time together. The redhead was a sports teacher at a local highschool. But it was summer break, so it was going to be three lazy months with his soulmate.

"Want icecream?" The shorter male asked with a sleepy voice, looking awfully cute in his teddy bear printed pajamas. His hair was sticking in different directions as he scratched his scarred tummy slowly. "Babe, it's four in the morning.. can't we eat it later..?"

Yoongi opened his triangular eyes as wide as he could. "Did you just reject the idea of midnight icecream?" He fake-gasped and covered his small mouth. "How dare you."

The redhead yawned desperately and hugged the elder from behind. "Come on, let's just go to the bed-"


"Babe what do you mean-"

"I mean no."


"I've been sleeping all week? I'm not used to it. Makes me feel so weird when I wake up. So I'll probably just stay up tonight." Yoongi shrugged and turned around. "You can sleep though, I don't mind."  Hoseok pouted and looked aside, not meeting Yoongi's gaze. "..I thought we'd cuddle, kiss and snuggle. Then maybe sleep together.." He looked so adorable and soft when he was sleepily pouting.

Yoongi looked at his lover and an idea popped up in his mind.

"I'll let you dye my hair?" The redhead looked up into his boyfriend's eyes and groaned in defeat. "I'll let you pick the color."

The offer was too good to ignore.

"Green. Blue-ish light green." Hoseok spoke silently. "So you can be Mint Yoongi."

Yoongi cringed at the nickname and playfully punched Hoseok's shoulder. "No! Don't you dare call me that!" The younger giggled at the reaction he had received from Yoongi.

"A-and I still want my hugs 'n kisses.." the blond added. Hoseok stretched his arms and coiled them around Yoongi's thin body gently. He always thought Yoongi was fragile, so he touched the older with utmost care.

The light in his eyes was just like lost stars swimming in the emptiness of the deep black skies of night. The soft chocolate brown color that covered this galaxy was like the first coffee in the morning, sweet and relaxing. All of the features this man had were as beautiful as the word beauty itself.

"Hobi, you're staring."

"I'm appreciating your mom's effort."

Yoongi looked away and blushed. "..thanks, I guess." His voice was small and hard to hear, but his love could hear it easily.
Hoseok stretched and yawned again. "Lemme get the hair dye. I've been thinking about doing this anyway.." the redhead excitedly ran to them bathroom. "Come here, babe~  everything is ready." Even though Hoseok's voice was dripping with sleep, he was still excited to do the thing he wanted to do.

Yoongi sighed and went to the bathroom after Hoseok. "Take your shirt off please. We don't want to ruin it right?"

The blond male stopped. "I'd rather keep it on.." He was ashamed of his ugly, pitiful body. And he didn't want Hoseok to see his disgusting scars.

"I know you don't like them. But trust me, you're beautiful. And they aren't that bad, here, look at this." Hoseok pulled his shirt up and showed Yoongi his lower stomach. There was a messy scar which looked like a deep wound. "That happened when I was five. I fell off my bike. Right on a wooden fence. It hurt so much y'know?"

Yoongi touched the pink scar with his fingertips gently. He was silent.

"Our flaws are what makes us beautiful. They make us different. And each human is unique in their own way." Hoseok spoke with a soft tone in his voice. "You're still beautiful. Nothing will ever change my mind, okay?"

The blond male felt so small next to Hoseok's presence.

Yoongi lifted his arms and let the younger remove his shirt. He wanted to hide, to cover his body and-

"We're starting a high protein diet babe. You need some flesh on all of those bones. Gotta make you thick."

Yoongi smiled and giggled at the word 'thick' as Hoseok said it out loud.

"I'm never gonna be thick. Look at these arms. Weak fucking noodles."

"Oh, we can fix that too babe. No problem. I'll bring my dumbbells and stuff to work out."

"J-just dye my hair already." Yoongi pouted. He hated the idea of physically tiring himself.

"Um. Pants off too please. B-but your underwear can stay, I saw them, they're black. They won't be dyed green." Hoseok's cheeks warmed up slightly. The thought of seeing Yoongi almost naked was making him feel things. "You better not slam me on the walls or I'll kick your nuts."

Hoseok let out an awkward laugh. "O-of course not-" he fucking gasped when Yoongi threw his pants on the floor. "Come on. My ass is freezing."

"..nice legs.."


Sup erryone Tea here. Sorry for the long wait.

I forgot to mention that I don't have much time to write, so please expect slow updates. I'll probably publish twice a month or even less.

I apologise for not informing you about this.


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