Asleep - 2 "Time to wake up, Love"

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Hoseok wore his favourite gray hoodie and tight, ripped jeans, combed his mess of fluffy dark red hair and boosted his own self-confidence. His blood was replaced with adrenaline because of all the emotions his heart pumped through his veins.

"You got this Hobi, yeah, you can do it and not mess up, yes of course you can. You can go and make him feel better in a second, just flash the smile." He was actually cringing internally so hard at himself for saying cheesy stuff like this, but he knew it was working.

-at Jimin's place-

"Gimme something comfy, and preferably long sleeved. My ass is literally freezing. I wouldn't want to hug someone cold like me." The blond boy rubbed his hands together and wore the pastel blue hoodie Jimin gave him. "I look like a fucking corpse, yay." Yoongi looked at his face from his phone's front camera. "I can do some make up magic for your face to cover up those purple circles if you want me to."

Yoongi looked at his friend and shook his head from side to side. "I should be as natural as possible. I don't want him to think I'm hiding something from him."

Yoongi was always so painfully honest. No matter what.

When they heard a light knock on the door, Jimin launched from his place on the couch and told Yoongi to stay. He didn't really have the energy to walk there anyway.

"Long time no see, hyung. I have a special guest, just for you." Jimin smiled like the little demon he was. He knew Yoongi wouldn't want to wait any longer. "Um, J-Jimin, is he okay? He's in pain-"

His eyes widened at the sight of Yoongi. "..Hello.." His hand waved in the air, in a sweaterpaw. Hoseok thought his sanity was going to throw itself from a window. "..oh my god you're so adorable.." His mouth whispered without asking his brain for permission.

Yoongi just smiled at him and shyly took his hand. "I've waited for so long to do this.." they made eye contact and something inside of them poked their hearts. "Don't mind me, go on." Jimin interrupted their moment. He was watching them like he watched those stupid and cliché romance movies. Yoongi sighed and told Jimin to shut his mouth. Hoseok just giggled.

And that was music to Yoongi's ears.

"Can I..?" Hoseok asked for permission to hug the smaller man. Yoongi looked into his eyes for a few seconds and showed him his gummy smile. "Why do you ask? I'm all yours."

The redhead blushed furiously and hid his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck. When he inhaled the sweet scent of the other, he knew that he would be addicted to it. His arms slowly coiled around the blond's thin waist and pulled him closer until he was fully pressed against his own body.

They felt like they've known each other for hundreds of years, like they've just met the missing piece of their soul. It felt as if they could feel the other's whole existance.

And the common myth was true, Soulmates could feel each other's heartbeat when their skins touched. And Hoseok was feeling hard thumps in his chest.

"..finally we've met.." Yoongi quietly said, clinging so tightly to Hoseok. Jimin was long forgotten, but that was okay. He knew how these meetings felt like. He was like this when he met Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Is it weird to say 'I missed you' to a person you've just seen?" Hoseok asked. "No," a small laugh was heard. "I feel the same way."

"I see you every night, but we've never actually seen each other.."

"Welcome back, Hope."

Ddaeng it I'm fking soft.


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