Asleep - 1

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"He's getting those headaches again.." Hoseok whispered to himself, trying to concentrate on dancing. His movements were unusually becoming more and more tiring. 'What's going on?' He felt like he needed to help his future lover, the owner of his heart's other half.

He went home early that evening. He couldn't tire himself anymore, his body had already given up on him. The torture his soulmate had to go through was making Hoseok pity for the shorter man. But he couldn't just sit there and do nothing.

'Why can't you just sleep?'

This has been happening for like a year now, that guy almost never slept. 'He probably passed out for now, it feels a lot calmer..' Hoseok could feel what his soulmate felt. And it was something he wanted to stop from happening, he wanted to help the blond man, to release him from all the pain. And because that guy was always tired, the redhead was tired too.

Hoseok laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. "Will we meet again in our dreams?" He spoke to himself quietly. "I want to know more about you, I don't even know your name.." He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. His mind became an empty darkness, a calming abyss in a few minutes.


"Hey, welcome back." The blonde waved his hand, lazily laying on the couch at Hoseok's apartment. He was looking comfortable enough to sleep, his eyelids half closed. "Hello, love. I missed you." The redhead smiled at the smaller man and walked up to the couch. The blond opened his arms wide and invited Hoseok for a warm, welcoming hug. Hoseok happily wrapped his own arms around the other's waist and pulled him closer to his body. "You're warm, Hope. I love it."

The redhead held the blond's hand and asked, "Will we meet tomorrow?" like he did every time they met in his dreams. "Soon, hope. Don't worry. We will meet, and you'll never have to be alone anymore when we do." He kissed Hoseok's forehead, looked into his eyes and snuggled into his chest. "I, I just want to make sure you rest and eat properly. I promise I'll take care of you, I'll do anything for you. It's just.. please, don't hurt yourself anymore.."

"Hope, you're the most caring and gentle person I've ever known. But you must stop saying that you'll take care of me. I'm a grown man who can live on his own," Yoongi said as he sneaked his arms around the redhead's neck. His fingers played with the short hair on the back of Hoseok's neck. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm doing just fine."

"If you say so.." Hoseok muttered under his breath, not actually expecting his words to be true. He knew how much pain the blond was going through, it was probably killing him.


He woke up to the Sun's gentle morning light. He was expecting to feel pain in the back of his mind, that's what happened almost everyday. But the pain didn't appear. He smiled a little.

"You're doing well, sugar. Keep going." He picked his phone up and called Jimin.

"G'mornin Hobi-hyung.. what happened..?"

"Can I come over today? I wanted to ask yesterday but I was a bit too tired. So, can I drop by? I'll bring pizza~" Hoseok asked, a bit too excited to meet his soulmate. "You don't have to ask, y'know. Anyway, I'll have a surprise for you." He could hear the wide smile from Jimin's voice. "Oh? Is that surprise edible?" He expected a no. But knowing Jimin, he knew the boy was going to keep his surprise a secret even though he knew what it was. Or who he was.

"I said surprise, hyung. I won't spoil it no matter how many times you ask."

"Okay, okay you got me. I'll be over at two twenty." He wanted to be there early at least ten minutes. "Okay hyung. Ah- no, no you can't, you'll speak to him anyway."

"Who was that?" He recognized the voice he heard every night. "Is he there??"

"Hyung- wait a second, hey no, put that down, no texting. You're going to destroy my plans like Jin-hyung did."

Hoseok was positive that his soulmate was there. He took a marker and wrote 'I'll be there in 30 mins (つ^♡^)つ' on his inner arm. "HYUNG!" Jimin screeched from the other side.

Nothing could stop Hoseok now.

Why must I be a fluff person god damn it.


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