Daddy (filler lol)

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Hoseok has realised something.

1. Yoongi was the cutest thing he has ever seen.

2. Yoongi could be so aggressively possessive.

3. He was so in love with the blond he could just drown in his feelings towards the small man.

4. Yoongi was finally able to sleep without medication.

His head was on Hoseok's lap, a small smile was curving the corners of his lips slightly, his expression seemed relaxed and happy. The blond couldn't ask for anything else more than this. His hands were holding Hoseok's fingers, squeezing them from time to time.

"I've never seen him so peaceful like this, hyung.. You really do wonders to him." Jimin tried not to speak too loud, he wouldn't want to wake Yoongi up.

The redhead smiled and played with Yoongi's hair. The strand of blond fluff felt like a kitten's fur against his fingertips.

"I just want to understand, how bad is his sickness and what exactly is it?" Hoseok had to know. Jimin's expression changed, the gentle smile replaced with a pained, sad one.

"He can't sleep. It's insomnia, but very bad. Sometimes he just passes out and one time, he nearly died because of brain and stress stuff."

Yoongi was all Jimin had left since highschool. The blond was the reason he found his Soulmates, which was something nearly a miracle.

His eyes gazed upon the sleeping body of Yoongi, his ribs were quite visible underneath the thin cover of the blue sweatshirt.

"Also he was nothing more than a breathing skeleton when we became friends. He still doesn't eat much, but sometimes Jin-hyung gets annoyed by the 'I'm not hungry' talk, and shoves food down his throat forcefully." The redhead looked at the blond man, he felt pity. He also hated himself for being a coward and not trying to contact him earlier, living with his unrealistic dreams like a child.

"Is he suicidal?" He turned his gaze towards Jimin. "No, no. Not that. Never. He just likes being alone. And that makes him kinda vulnerable against anything that can happen." The short boy smiled. "I'll leave you two alone. Maybe you'll do some.. I don't know, bonding.." He quietly walked away after gently caressing Yoongi's soft hair. The blond shifted a bit to find a more comfortable position on Hoseok's lap. When he stopped moving he made a small, cute sound that made Hoseok giggle.

"You truly are cute, even more than the dream version of you.." He played with a strand of Yoongi's light golden locks. He could feel the happiness radiating from the smaller man. After a while, Hoseok also started to feel sleepy. So he pressed his lips against Yoongi's uncovered forehead. He smiled to himself and yawned. His eyelids closed and he quickly fell asleep under the warm body of his Soulmate.

For the first time, neither of them had a dream. The black, quiet abyss made both of them feel uncomfortable, but they had each other's warmth to feel safe. The boys were finally together.

"Aww, look at them!" Seokjin whisper-yelled. Namjoon silently hushed him. "You'll wake them up hyung, let's just leave them alone for a while." The eldest unhappily agreed and pulled Namjoon to the kitchen to make some dinner for everyone. "I'll cut the onions and cook everything, you just have to set the table." Namjoon nodded and asked Jimin where he hid the stuff because he was supposed to use them. Tablecloth and plates were the main items he needed, but he couldn't find them.


Yoongi opened his eyes to see Hoseok's relaxed expression. 'Oh, right. That happened.' A small smile tugged his lips. He reached his hand out to touch the other's face. His caramel skin felt so smooth and warm against his fingertips. Yoongi felt complete with Hoseok's presence in his life.

He didn't want this dream to end.

The redhead smiled and slowly opened his eyes. His fingers untangled themselves from Yoongi's hair to touch the hand which was on his cheek. "Good morning.." His voice sounded raspy again, sleep dripping from it. Hoseok unattached the blond's hand from his skin and pressed his lips on the palm of it. He could clearly see the cute pink hue on Yoongi's cheeks.

"It's 8 o'clock, lovebugs. And dinner's almost ready. Get your lazy asses up and help Taehyung prepare the table." Jin sounded like a nagging mother to both of them.

"Why am I even trying to keep my eyes open?" Yoongi asked himself. He still wanted to sleep. And Hoseok's thighs was perfectly warm.

"I think we'll be able to cuddle after the dinner babe."

The redhead gasped when he realised his wrong wording.
"I-I' M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO CALL YOU THAT-" Yoongi laughed at his confused state of mind. "It's okay. You can call me that.."

Hoseok looked at the blond man with genuine happiness in his eyes. Yoongi thought he looked too cute to be real.

"..daddy." Yoongi smirked as he finished his sentence, making Hoseok even more shook. The blonde laughed again, his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed and his pink gums showed up. Hoseok was in love with this smile so badly. "W-why are you laughing..?"

"I'm sorry daddy.."

A ball of paper hit Yoongi in the face right after. Seokjin's voice rose from the kitchen's door. "YOONGI SHUT YOUR KINKY ASS UP AND HELP TAEHYUNG!"

The young brunette silently appeared behind Hoseok, spooking him and making him scream in horror. "Why are you yelling? Anyway, I need you guys to take the plates before Joonie hyung breaks them."

The small blond smirked. "Let's help them daddy~"

A loud shattering sound could be heard from the kitchen. Jin cursed, then cursed at himself because he said such rude things because a stupid plate broke.

Namjoon poked his head out and made a face that said 'I'm dead.'

"I'm comin' okay? Ugh. You guys tell me to sleep and when I do, you wake me up? What the fuck?"

U know it when u gotta call him daddy~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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