Warm - 2

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Taehyung woke his boyfriends up with gentle kisses and playful tickles everyday. He or Jimin always prepared a healthy and delicious breakfast for everyone while the other took the youngest to the bathroom.

They made sure to take care of the young boy with all love they've had in their hearts.

"Come on Kookie, I made the breakfast today~" Taehyung beamed and went to the bathroom, just to find the boy struggling to clean his bleeding nose. Jimin was helping him wash the crimson blood off his trembling hands.

Jimin looked a little panicked. "It's happening again.." Taehyung's smile softened and he walked up to them and gently rubbed small circles on Jungkook's shoulders. "Calm down baby, it's okay.. you don't have to be afraid of anything anymore. We'll protect you okay?"

Jungkook smiled weakly and held their hands. "I know-" his breath hitched. After calming down a little he continued. "I love you both y'know? So much that it hurts." Taehyung kissed his forehead and snuggled into his boyfriends. "You better not faint now, Kook. Also, the food's gonna be cold if we just stay here." He gently caressed Jungkook's light brown hair. Both Taehyung and Jimin could feel the extra positive emotions of the young boy. "I'm hungry." Jungkook spoke in a small voice.

After stopping the blood from gushing out of his nose, Jimin carried him to the living room and laid him down on the comfortable couch. Jungkook looked at the oldest with puppy eyes and waited for his breakfast. "Taetae wanted to cook for you today and just said 'something really yummy' so.. I don't exactly know what he's going to bring."

"Egg n' bacon~"

Taehyung brought it to him with various kinds of fruit jams, a slice of bread and  a glass of banana milk. Jungkook's eyes widened in excitement and hunger.

After feeding the boy, the olders cleaned up everything and dressed him in comfortable clothes.
Jimin had to leave for work, he was a doctor who took care of internal organ surgeries.

He was the one who kept Jungkook alive.

"I'm sorry for being a burden.." Jungkook looked at his lovers with a sad expression. Taehyung took a deep breath and turned his gaze towards Jimin. "I know he thinks he's a bother. But he isn't. Mind explaining that? Cause I'm gonna tickle some insight into him right there if he says that again." Jimin shrugged. "I won't be able to change his mind, we all know that."

"Alright then, bunny." He slowly creeped his hands up the younger's torso. Jungkook struggled against Taehyung's force as the older poked his ribs and stomach. The brunette was a laughing mess by the time Taehyung got tired too. "H-hyung haha.. tired already..?" Jungkook smiled at the taller boy and he had galaxies in his eyes. He deserved the whole world, every good thing that ever existed. He was such a small, cute bunny boy that it hurt Jimin to stay close to him.

Jimin was scared that his fears and pitiful, stupid failures would slowly corrupt the boy's mind and break him.

He couldn't know. Never.

Jimin was just standing by the door and looking at them, unfazed by their cuteness. He felt empty, not happy nor sad. Just a void swallowing every emotion he had in his heart.

"I'll go now, take care. And I meant both of you." He waved his small hand and smiled sweetly. Finally taking a step outside, Jimin sighed deeply. Gray clouds were blocking the sun, perfectly reflecting his mangled state of mind.

No, he was okay.

He was just fine. There was nothing to worry about. He could smile and hide his fears behind an invisible mask again, like the way he always does.


'I can still save him.'


Jimin was lying.

No one knew how much he was suffering inside. But it was okay. The small male didn't want anyone to know what destroyed his very soul like this.

He was caught in a sweet little lie.

Nobody could ever know it'd turn into a tangle of broken lives.

Hewwooo~~ I'm sad for no reason today♡ also life sucks, my good old asthma attacks are back and I'm showing serious allergic reactions to dust~ I might just choke on some air and die? I don't know. I'm trying to breathe and it burns my lungs, yay~~~

Also I can't remember what an internal organ surgeon was so it's just doctor for now hehe..

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