Warm - 1

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"I love you." Hoseok whispered to Yoongi as they laid on the couch at Jimin's place. Yoongi couldn't leave because his medicines were the shorter boy's profession since he was a doctor like Seokjin.

Hoseok didn't mind staying at his friend's house, he actually enjoyed the younger's company from time to time.

"I love you more."

"No, you can't love me more than I love you."

Another person's voice cut them off.

"I love myself more than you guys love each other." 

Seokjin smoothly entered the room, as usual.

"Your favourite doctor's back. Anyway, how's the headache going today Yoongi? We might need to change your pills again."

The small blond smirked and hugged Hoseok.
"This guy took away all of the pain.." Seokjin sighed, annoyed. He knew how much a Soulmate could change, but this was just impossible.


Yoongi had these headaches since the accident.

The accident which left his cousin unable to walk.


"Watch out-!" Yoongi heard someone yell before everything went dark and silent.

It was quite comforting and warm, even welcoming.

But when he opened his eyes, his whole body burned with pain, spasming and bleeding. The car had hit him in the stomach, ripping and crushing the soft, delicate flesh of his internal organs brutally.

He couldn't scream, not even a whimper was leaving his blooded lips. Only sound he could let out was a choked sigh. The pain was too much to handle at the moment. He looked over to see his little cousin, someone was dragging the small boy away from the burning car, leaving a thick trail of dark red blood behind.

"Kook.. no.."


His eyes weakly opened again when he heard a distant cry. A red haired boy was trying to reach his hands out to him, but he was stopped by an invisible wall. He was crying, sobbing and trembling. The sight made Yoongi' s heart sting.

'Why are you crying..?'

Then everything went dark again.



Hoseok tried to breathe normally. He tried to ignore the pain in his stomach, but it felt like his body was being pulled apart in half. The burning pain was enough to break his mind in a million pieces.

The redhead screamed out in pain while crying his eyes out on his bed.

He could just imagine how much it hurt his Soulmate.



Yoongi woke up in a white room, a beeping machine right next to him. "My name is Doctor Kim Seokjin. And I'll be taking care of you." A tall, blond male stood beside the annoying machine. He was writing something down on the paper in his hands. Than he lowered his gaze to meet Yoongi's weak eyes. "You're healing really quick for an injury like that. You had internal bleeding and several damaged organs, and your whole stomach was inside out, which we had to put back in place." He smiled sweetly and patted Yoongi's shoulder.

The blond boy lifted his hospital shirt up to reveal a thick bandage which was painted red with an ugly line of blood that went up to the right side of his ribs. His whole body was bandaged and hurting.

"What about Jungkook..?"

"He's gonna be fine."

"He's dead isn't he?"

Seokjin couldn't say anything. He remembered the fear and pain he saw in the younger boy's eyes, the panic and all of the blood, the broken pieces of bones and ripped flesh. Seokjin's smile faded away slowly.

"He is alive, but in a critical state. He might never stand up again. Or speak. I don't know yet."

Yoongi looked at his eyes desperately.

"Save him."


It's been two years since the accident happened. Yoongi couldn't find the courage to look at the younger's eyes. He didn't have the heart to look at the mess he caused.

Short chapter I know
But I have plans (・∀・)

Wait for Jungkook to show up and do his thing.


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