The Bat Meets Her Cat

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Jazmic Caster was your normal everyday mechanic in the kingdom of Crosivoria, one of the many mixed animal-folk to roam the desert sands. She was a catfolk, blond with as slight tan, something common for those who worked in the sun with their hands, but something set her apart. Jazmic never once asked to be paid, she never asked for favors, and gave away not only her service but food, money and normal things that the common people would need but my not be able to afford. She was a noble by blood, one of the kingdom's oldest noble bloodlines that still survived, with centuries of generations making their fortune off of the lower classes. Jazmic couldn't stand that, she wanted to help more than anything no matter of class or standing in society. Oh how she rejoiced when the twin rulers started to work together and the king, King Orecis, showed the same interest in helping, he inspired her from a young age to be the person she was. Jazmic volunteered at the orphanage that they opened within the kingdoms innermost walls and the food pantry, personally hand delivering the baskets to people who could not travel that far and were in need.

As days passed and Jazmic worked more at her trade she'd noticed a younger girl helping out everywhere she had. The girl made deliveries, nurtured the orphans and kept the pantry stocked, retrieving anything that might have been needed, from where Jazmic couldn't say. This girl captivated Jazmic, not for her deep, dark chocolatey brown fur, nor the vibrant pumpkin orange mane that adorned her neck so delicately, not even for the vibrant, cerulean, hopeful eyes that sent a shudder down Jazmic's spine when she spotted them locked on her own amber ones. No it was this small batfolk's enormous heart that spark Jazmic's curiosity in getting to know her. That plan however was usually derailed, quite often by the king's boyfriend himself calling the batfolk away before Jazmic could so much as wave. Not to be one who easily gave up Jazmic vowed the next day she saw the bat, she would at least know her name.

Several days passed and no sign of the bat surfaced, it was as if she'd just dropped off the edge of the map with no hint as to where she'd gone. Dejected Jazmic continuously searched, her eager demeanor noticeably shrinking with each passing day as she went through the paces of her routine. By the time a month had passed the young cat was starting to believe she'd never see the bat again and regretted not speaking with her sooner, with no name nor much of anything the cat couldn't get any clues as to where the smaller girl may be, until one day to her amazement, the girl was back as if nothing had changed. She had a bright smile with her usual garments on, some form of church attire Jazmic guessed, and was happily restocking what they had dropped down in while she had been away. Steeling her nerves Jazmic approached the girl watching her struggle with a large bag and frowned gingerly relieving her of its weight. Startled the girl turned to her, bright blue eyes locking onto amber as Jazmic slowly set the bag upon its rightful shelf.

"I could have gotten it." The girl pouted picking up a lighter bag stocking the shelves again.

"I don't like to see a cute girl struggle, and I don't believe we've met, I'm Jazmic." She offered grabbing the rest of the large bags stacking them in their proper places.

"Merna, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Jazmic." The bat smiled back putting the last of the bags away brushing off her robes delicately.

"Likewise, I was wondering what your name was since this place started up." Jazmic chuckled sitting back on a small bench with a bottle of water from the fridge beside it and offered one to her. Hesitantly sitting beside her Merna took the bottle gratefully and sipped it. "I haven't seen you around lately though."

"Yes well my father started to train me in the arts of a cleric so I had to focus on that and his church in Novoselic." Merna sighed brushing back her hair flicking her ears back slightly in annoyance.

"Don't like going?" Jazmic inquired glancing over at the batgirl taking a slug of her water.

"No it's not that, I'm just not a fan of perverted old creeps." Merna huffed sipping her water quietly before setting it aside. "You'd think they'd have some class."

"Why don't you tell your dad? He's obviously someone of importance if he's a cleric there."

"I've tried... He doesn't believe people in his congregation would be so... So...." Merna trailed off pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Vile? If you need someone to help I'd be more than happy to, just tell me who's holy ass I have to kick." Jazmic chuckles ruffling Merna's hair playfully, getting a small shove in return.

"Very much so and I appreciate it, I may just have to." Merna joked back fixing her hair with her fingers.

"Merna!" A voice hissed from the doorway causing the two to turn towards its source. Frowning slightly Merna stood and picked up her water turning to Jazmic.

"Sorry I have to go..."

"No problem, let's talk again some time." Jazmic smiled standing as well glancing at the figure once more. A muddy brown lizardfolk waited boredly in the doorway with a look of mild disgust. It was the king's boyfriend, Horros Bathor, someone not many people would ever think to come down where the lower classes frequent.

"Coming daddy!" Merna called turning back to Jazmic quickly. "Soon." Merna agreed and waved heading over to the lizard smiling.

Waving back Jazmic smiled slightly to herself and turned walking off to get back to work. She knew she would get at least Merna's name, but what she didn't know was what else would come from this quiet little batfolk with a heart of gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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