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Slight trigger warning, includes kind of sexual assault.


Amelia and Millie weren't home, Millie was at work and Amelia was at school. So it was just Wesley and I. Unfortunately we weren't having fun. Wesley had found out that Gaten had eaten his cookies yesterday and just like I predicted—he was having a tantrum.

He was sat on the kitchen floor, kicking his legs around as he cried. I tried to tell him that I could just go and buy him another pack of them but apparently no other pack of chips ahoy were better than his. He needed the ones he bought.

"Wesley, dude. I literally just said we can go get more, just please stop crying." I said, he just cried louder.

"Me want I own!" He cried, kicking the table.

"I can't get Gaten to throw them up, Wes." I said, "do you want a nap? You're clearly tired."

"Me not tired!" He cried, getting up and running away.

I picked my phone up, dialling Gaten's number. He didn't answer at first, but he managed to answer after my fourth attempt at calling.

"Gaten, you better go to the store and buy Wesley a new pack of chips ahoy. I can't deal with this shit." I said.

"You're a millionaire and you're making my broke ass buy the cookies?" Gaten asked.

"Your fat ass ate the cookies!" I said, I heard Wesley scream from upstairs. "You better buy the fucking cookies and get yourself over here."

"Fine, I'll be like ten minutes." Gaten said, then ended the phone.

"Dada!" Wesley screamed, and it didn't seem like a scream about the cookies. "Dada! Dada! Dada!"

I practically sprinted upstairs, to see Wesley stood in my bedroom. I walked in, to see a face that angered me. It angered me so, so fucking much. My bedroom window was open, so I knew that he had got in through there.

"Wesley, go to Sadie." I said, all he had to do to get to Sadie's house was go through her back door. Our gardens were connected like one huge one. "Stay there, Nicholas."

I quickly picked Wesley up and ran down the stairs with him, I let him run into Sadie's house. I heard Sadie's voice saying hello to him, so I knew that she would keep him for a while.

I walked back upstairs, to see Nicholas stood near my bedroom door, twirling a knife around in his hands. When I walked in, he shut the door. He was quick to pin me up to the wall.

"If you say anything, I'll kill you." He said.

"Do it, go on. I dare you." I said, I saw the anger rise in his eyes. "It's not like I really want to be alive, do it, it wouldn't be me that you hurt. It would be my family, and if you hurt my family—I'd make sure I came back for you to make your life hell."

"I'm not killing you, not yet anyway. I'm finishing something that I never got to finish." He said, pushing his hands against my waist.

"Nicholas, get off of me." I said, trying to get out of his grip.

I knew what was coming, and I hated the thought of it so much. But what I hated even more—was when he smashed his lips to mine. I tried to push him away from me, but he was just too strong.

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