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Trey hears a policeman mutter something, "They've gone crazy, this is the second suspected mafia boss that's attacked tonight." Trey hides his satisfaction, so his attack on that worm did go down and with this attack on him it will make the police look in a different direction. It also sounds like they don't know that Alexa is in charge of the Silver Dragons. 

"What was that officer?" Trey decides knowledge is more important than anything else right now and goes for it.

"You aren't the only one attacked tonight. Mr. Ken Worthington was killed tonight as his car lost control. He, his driver and about five other people were killed."

Trey hadn't meant to have others killed. He lowers his eyebrows, "His men or innocents?"

"Mostly his men, but there was one innocent killed."

Trey nods his thanks even as Jackson escorts him out of the restaurant and to his vehicle. Three innocents were killed in his place, two of his men, if Jeremy makes it. "Who did this, Jackson?"

"We don't know, but we're looking into it. I already have Jensen looking into things for tonight." Jackson says softly. He too noticed that tonight wasn't something spur of the moment and that it meant someone betrayed them. He feels for them if Alexa gets to them first or if Jeremy dies. If Alexa doesn't make it, nothing will save them from Trey's wrath and add in that of the Silver Dragons.

Trey is frustrated. He hates dealing with the police, but there is no covering up something like this. That and he'll have to deal with insurance as well. At least they didn't harm the kitchen staff. But that hostess will never be able to get over her nervousness with him. She was the first casualty. He'll have to remember to take care of her funeral arrangements and send condolences to the family, if she had any, he's not sure that she did.

He fully expects Alexa to be done with surgery by the time he gets to the hospital and doesn't like the fact that she isn't.

"She should have been done by now. The shot wasn't close to the heart. It was near her shoulder on the right side." Trey says starting to pace after he talks to Blaze.

Blaze shrugs, he doesn't have much in the way of medical training, although he knows a death wound when he sees it. "They haven't come out yet, that's all I know."

He hadn't expected nor was he disappointed to hear that they are still working on Jeremy. His wound had been bad and dangerous. In his case it's a good thing that they are still working on him.

Jackson puts his hand on Trey, "Boss." He motions his head over to the emergency room doors.

"Family of Alexa Chambers?" The tired looking doctor says.

"I'm her boyfriend, she doesn't have any living family." She disowned her brother after selling him.

"She made it through surgery just fine. Now as long as nothing unforeseen happens she should make a full recovery. If someone hadn't put pressure on her wound immediately the story would have ended differently."

"Thank you doctor." The doctor nods before moving on out of the room.

"Why'd you save her life?" Blaze asks curious. He knows that Trey could have easily let Alexa die. He also knows how angry Trey was when Alexa made him her slave.

"I love her." Trey says and walks away leaving behind two very stunned men. Love is dangerous in their line of work and even more dangerous to admit to. Trey just gave them his weakness. Not that either of them would use it against him, they both love Alexa as well.

A couple more hours later another exhausted doctor comes out. "Family of Jeremy Matthews?"

Trey steps forward, "I'm his boss, he doesn't have any family."

"We were able to extract the bullet just fine but his blood loss is what concerns me at this time. He's already had three litres of blood and he'll need more. If he survives the next twenty-four hours he should make it."

"Thank you doctor, is there a place where my men can donate? I know you used a lot of blood not just on him but on the others that were shot tonight."

"Yeah, I'll have a nurse come and get you. If they've used drugs recently they can't donate." The doctor says without thinking about it.

"They better not have," Trey says through gritted teeth. He has a strict no drug use policy.

Blaze waits for the doctor to leave before saying anything. "You know that makes you a bit of a hypocrite right? You make a good deal of your money off of drugs, yet you don't let your men use?"

"I make money off of idiots using drugs. I don't like having idiots work for me. Besides before Alexa came I made most of my money off the flesh trade. Now it's mostly gun running."

"You know that doesn't make things better?"

"Oh I am well aware of the location I'll be heading when I die. I don't make people buy my products, I just get them what they want. Supply and demand, Blaze. I am sure that you are well aware of the need."

"Of course I am, how do you think we earn our money? I just think the look of disgust on your face at the thought of your men using was hilarious."

Trey looks at Blaze with a cold look, before walking away.

Jackson goes up to him and whispers something in his ear. Trey's face goes absolutely blank. 

He walks over to Blaze, "My men found out who ratted us out and to who. You want to stay here with Alexa or come back with me?"

"You have him at your house?"

"No, at our cells, a different location entirely." Trey says even as he takes his gun out and checks it over. He doesn't care about the ban on guns in hospitals. His girlfriend is recovering from surgery from being shot, now he's going to find out who and why.

"Don't kill him until Alexa talks to you. She might want in on some of the fun." Blaze warns Trey before he leaves. "I'll stay here and make sure that nothing happens to her tonight."

Trey nods before motioning for his men to come with him.

Blaze watches them leave and can just shake his head. "Someone is going to wish they died tonight." Maybe Trey will allow him some time with the rat.

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