Bonus chapter one

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"Theo, what's wrong," Alexa asks as she comes up to her newly freed slave and new mafia man and escort.

Theo puts his phone away and wipes his tears. "That was my brother, my mom was taken to the hospital. The cancer treatments aren't working. Her doctor has stopped the treatments at her request. She's dying, boss."

Theo says that last in agony and Alexa pulls him into a hug and just lets him cry it out. "Go pack your bags, you'll be leaving just as soon as arrangements can be made."

Theo nods, he rather suspected that's how Alexa would react, but now he has to think about his siblings. "Boss, what about my brothers and sisters?"

"They'll need to pack after the funeral and return here with you. I'll leave instructions with my staff to prepare one of the houses on the estate for you and your family. Don't worry, I'll make sure that they are taken care of. You are old enough to take over their care, unless you don't want it? If you don't they'll go into foster care..." Alexa knows that Chance has told Theo all about foster care and what it'll likely mean to his siblings, especially the girls.

"No, I'll take responsibility for them." Alexa nods in approval, she hadn't expected any differently from Theo. He has always put his family first. He's gone to visit his family as often as his duties have allowed him to do so.

Alexa and Trey have met with the family as well. Alexa had immediately warmed to Theo's mother and it makes her sad that she won't be around much longer.

"Trey?" Alexa takes out her phone as Theo leaves to start packing.

"Yes, Alexa?" Alexa can hear the warmth and love at his answering of the phone.

"Theo's mother is hospitalized and is dying. We'll be staying until after the funeral and moving arrangements can be made for his siblings. Could you have-" Alexa is cut off by Trey at this point.

"Just give me time to pack, I'll be coming as well." Trey doesn't even allow Alexa to finish her sentence. There is no way he's staying when Alexa will need him. Not to mention, Theo is a bit like a little brother to him.

Alexa is left with a jaw hanging open as Trey ends the call just like that. She snaps shut her mouth and calls Blaze. She leaves instructions with him even as she takes out her suitcases and starts packing.

It doesn't take long for Trey to join her in packing. "You have the plane tickets?" Trey demands even as he packs.

Alexa smirks, "Now why would I buy tickets? The finalization on the purchase of the jet was made this morning. It's being fueled even as we speak.

"Is Melany coming with us?" Alexa demands to know.

Melany is Theo's girlfriend and she was out with a client as was Trey. She doesn't doubt that Trey told her about Theo's mother. "She should be ready when we are. She hadn't booked any other clients for this week, if it takes longer she'll either have to come back or cancel."

Melany works the male clients almost as well as Alexa. She is very much in demand, but only takes the ones that Alexa requests her to take. But the ones that she does take pay her a lot of money. Just as they do the ones that Theo takes.

Melany and Theo's mother had become fairly close. Alexa stops packing and looks at Trey, "How is she taking it?"

Trey presses his lips into a thin line. He doesn't like seeing females in distress. "Let's just say it's a good thing the luncheon date was over." With that the two finish packing with heavy hearts.

"Alexa," Theo says as they watch the casket be lowered into the grave, "thank you, for everything you've done for me and my family." Theo wipes the tears away impatiently. If it hadn't of been for Alexa, he wouldn't have had this time with his family, with his mother. "Thank you for saving me and my family and trying to save my mother."

Alexa pulls Theo into another hug and he loses his control. There are few people other than his family there. Those that are, are from his other family, Silver Dragons and Black Rose, with a few of the Red Dragons as well. None of them think any less of him for allowing his loss to show.

"How do your siblings like the idea of moving?" Alexa asks once he steps back. She searches his face to see the truth.

Theo had long ago learned to only tell Alexa the truth. He can give a blank face as well as any of them, but he never wants to lie to his boss. "My brothers are excited, they can't wait, actually. They hope that you'll allow them to work for you in your mafia. I think my sisters are hoping to be able to work for you in your escort services." All his siblings sport the Silver Dragon tattoo holding the black rose and red dragon, it proclaims them as being under the protection of the Silver Dragon mafia. There aren't many that are willing to go against the most feared mafia of the States.

"Theo, there is something you aren't telling me." Alexa warns him in a soft voice.

Theo gives her a weak smile, "I'm telling the truth, but I think Kia is less then happy about the rules she's now living under. Her friends aren't the best and are encouraging her to rebel more than a little." Theo is less than happy about the friends his oldest sister has chosen to hang with.

Kia is only seventeen, but thinks that she is twenty-one. Theo has already found and destroyed three fake ID's. He doesn't know where she gets them or how she's paying for them but he has a good idea about who gets them for her.

He'll be talking to the girl as soon as he gets the chance. Every time he tries one of his siblings brings something to his notice that side tracks him.

"Kia, you have to come! You're leaving soon and this will be the last time we can all go clubbing together," Sheila says whining when Kia tells her that she can't go.

Kia bites her lip in indecision. She really wants to go, but Theo had been adamant about her leaving or sneaking out.

Sheila gives her puppy dog eyes and Kia caves. One last time with her friends won't hurt. Kia nods and gives Sheila a small smile even as Sheila gives a small shriek of joy and hugs her tight.

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