Chapter 15

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"But you sai-"Well I changed my mind! Did you see what you did to it? " She nods in the doors direction. "Hmm okay, but you'll have to wait, we need to..." -"I'm not moving from here before my door is fixed! " Silence fills the room again, while Lysander and Jane stare at each other. Jane holds a knowing smirk and Lysander just stares at her with a stern look. "David, Luke, go to the packhouse and gather some things, I can work with! " The two men look at each other and chuckle. They stand up and go to the door but not before muttering a little "whipped" which both Lysander and Jane hear. Jane starts laughing when they are out of sight, a real laugh, one that made your stomach hurt, something she hadn't done a long damn time ago. "What are you laughing about? " Lysander asks, a frown masking his face. "You know what they said is true! " That makes her laugh harder, if that is even possible. Lysander feels his cheeks become warmer and looks away, mad. "Oh Lizzie, my darling don't be mad. " He looks back to her and wishes he could stay mad a bit longer, but when he sees the way her eyes twinkle, he just gives up. She stands up and goes to the kitchen, taking the glasses they all drank from, with her. "God, he is so cute. " He hears a little voice in his head. It takes him a few seconds to realise, that he had marked her and that he could hear her thoughts. With a smirk, he makes his way to his beautiful mate. He wraps his arms around her waist from behind, she jumps a bit but continues to wash the glasses. "I heard that. " He whispers in her ear, only then, she stops the water and turns to him. "Oh really?" She speaks in the same tone as he did, with a raised eyebrow. He nods his head and brings her closer to him. She buries her hand in his hair, softly tugging it. He groans, she brings her head closer to his and..bites his nose. He wakes up from his dazzeling state, totally supprised by her actions. "I can't wait, until I can do that with you to, although it isn't really hard to predict what you are thinking. " She whispers in his ear, her other hand "accidently" brushing against his crotch area. He groans and tries to tighten his grip, but it is too late, she already slipped out of his grasp. "Jane, come back here! " She hears his derperate voice call from behind her, but she ignores him as she makes her way to Storm. "Where are you going? " -"To Narnia. " She replies, sarcastic, and chuckles when he growls a little. Jane goes out of the house, only to be stopped by an arm. "Are you planning to leave me again? " She chuckles, making him frown. "Am I that unreliable? " He lets go of her arm and proceeds to follow her. As they reach Storm, Lysander's eyes become wide. "Is that your horse? " -"It's not. There's no such thing as my horse, she's my best friend, so she has to approve of you. By the way,her name is Storm. " She smiles a soft smile while petting her best friend. "Well hello Storm. Nice to meet you. " He takes one step forward only to be glared at from the horse. "She doesn't like me! " Lysander winces, but Jane giggles. "Well I told her many bad things about you, after I ran away. " She confesses, looking away. "But it's okay now Storm, he's a good guy and I like him. " She whispers to the horse, totally forgetting that Lysander is a werewolf. He chuckles and slowly makes his way to Storm, when he is close enough, he reaches one out hand to pet her. Storm makes a purring sound and leans into his touch. "There there, see I'm not a bad guy! " -"You know that I won't go any where without her! " -"Of course! You can bring her! " She feeds Storm and they go back into the house. "Hey I can show you around if you want. You've only seen the living room and the kitchen. " He nods eagerly which makes her roll her eyes. "You know, I'm a very neat person, so you won't see any lose bras or panties on the floor or something. " -"But, I wanted to see! " She glances in his way, only to see him pouting. She groans softly while looking at his pouted lip. Jane clears her throat when they reach the bathroom and smirks as she sees the shower. "Here, I put on makeup, get my business done, brush my teeth and shower.." She watches him take a deep breath trough his nose also notices his eyes darken. "When was the last time you took a shower? " He asks, lust masking his voice. -"Today. " He growls and captures her in his arms again, attacking her mouth. The thought of her naked under the stream of hot water, just has his blood boiling. It is just getting hot and heavy when they hear a voice. "Alpha, we got the stuff! " He groans and Jane just laughs. "Cockblock. " She whispers in his ear, making him groan louder. They enter the living room to see David and Luke. "Geez guys couldn't you at least knock? " Jane asks in a teasing voice. The men chuckle and start with the working. A few hours later, the door is fixed and they are ready to go. "Can we go now? " Lysander asks, sounding like a little kid. "Yes, but first I need to say goodbye to Isabelle. Let's go! " They walk along the street together and the men notice the wary looks Jane was getting from the townspeople. "Why are these people looking at you like that. " Jane freezes, the warmth in her eyes replaced with cold nothingless. "Let's just say, I've made a name in this town. " The tone in her voice meaning that the conversation is over. They reach Isabelle's store and Jane opens the door, hearing the little "Ding" as she did. She sees Isabelle's shadow and wants to approach her but sees two men standing in front of her. Isabelle usually didn't have customers but Jane decides not to make a big deal out of it. As if sensing their presence, the two men turn around. Jane freezes again as she finds herself staring into turquoise eyes. She tears her eyes from his and musters this man further, seeing some familiarity. It can't be her dad, they found his dead body, it was a terrible sight. Murdered by wolves. He was dead in an instant. "Who are you? " She asks.

****************-***************** A/N: Sooo,holla baes ;D :The reason,I am bothering you guys is that I request something from you guys,you don't have to do it if you don't want to but just listen, I won't ask of you to favourise this chapter or something,just comment! Comment if you like the book or not,comment if you have questions,you can even tell me what you ate this morning :D! Anywaayys,the reason,I'm requesting that,is because your comments give me such a boost and they make me wanna write even more,they make me so happy and they make my day ,I love you guys,I love you even more than cookies,....there you have it!! I confessed,so think about my request,no need to be shy,you're awesome. <3 See you in the next A/N ! :-*

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