Song: Last Hope by Paramore
I don't like thinking of the future,
Because it scares me,
I don't know what I'll see,
Be it you and me,
Maybe just you,
Without me,
I don't like thinking of the future,
Because it scares me,
What if I'm not successful?
What if I disappoint you?
My family?
I don't like thinking of the future,
Because... what if I set myself up,
For what it could be,
Only for it to not be,
What if,
I see,
Something wonderful,
I don't like thinking of the future,
Because what if I see us,
What if I see you,
What if I see me,
What if we have a family?
That's scarier than I care to admit,
Maybe it's wonderful,
Maybe it's amazing,
Maybe it's better than I could possibly imagine,
But then again...
What if it's not?