Chapter 1 UPDATED

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I'm back and still not a part of the fandom :)

Long story short, I was working on this fanfic around midnight until my computer decided to lag. So being the stupid person I am I restarted the website instead of clicking on 'continue writing'. And so when I went back to the story... EVERYTHING WENT BACK TO HOW IT WAS AT THE BEGINING. Also, Ichimatsu will not be mentioned in the first chapter.



You're in your twenties

You're from Sweden for reasons

You're a few centimetres below you're average-height


I t was 3:30 in the afternoon and I was waiting for that one customer who would usually come by and buy roses. His name was Karamatsu. He would often come by before my shift ended.

What do you mean "I didn't know the main character works as a florist"? Well, this story has been updated. Why? Because the old one was poorly written and had a lot of wrong spellings. Don't forget the lack of words and descriptions. It just bothered me every time I thought about it. Trust me, this one will be much better than how it was before. Also, this fanfic is the first and last one I'll ever write since I'm not a part of the fandom. Yes, I'm rewriting this even if I'm not a part of it. Now, enjoy as long as it lasts (because I won't).

I, Y/N l/N is around my twenties and live in a small town called Red Tomsouporth. My home is a cosy apartment not far from work. I work as a florist starting 8:00 in the morning to 3:32 in the afternoon.

My best friend's name is Haku. She works at a library a few blocks away from the grocery store. Haku loves books. More like obsessed with books. She would sit on the couch in her living room with her laptop oh her lap. She's an author in her spare-time if we put it that way. She prefers romance than any other genres. We met in high school and became best friends. She tried her best to defend me from my bullies. I've always thought that she was strong and brave. She would then always laugh and say it's just in her blood (if that makes any sense). She never talked about her family and neither did I. 



In her twenties

From Germany

Brown short hair (to her shoulders)

Green eyes


Works at a library

Writes her own stories/books on her spare-time (author)

Obsessed with romance books


Back to where we were

Just then I heard the doorbell make a ringing[?] sound. There stood Karamatsu with his leather jacket, tight jeans along with the skeleton belt... those shoes and his sunglasses that covered his eyes.

He had his usual smirk on his face and made a "hm" sound which meant he was about to say something cheesy. "Good afternoon, my Karamatsu girl. I see you have been waiting for me to come by to yet again get more of those beauties also knowns as roses," he said while posing. I smiled gently at him. "Of course, it's always nice to see you come by and say hi." Karamatsu stopped with the posing and smiled gently at me. "It's really nice to hear that from someone." He said before walking towards the roses he usually bought.

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