Chapter 4

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I shook the feeling off and walked the last blocks to come home. When you were there you unlocked the door to your apartment and let the cat in. You took a quick shower and changed clothes. After you were done with that you started to cook some food for your self. You were making sure that the stray cat got some food too. You made some nuddles and the cat got water and some kind of old cat food you found in the house, probably from the people that lived here before you.

I was satisfied and so was the cat. I took the plate and the bowls and placed them in the dishes. I changed to my pajamas and both me and the cat was going to bed. I made myself comfortable in the bed and finally, I can sleep. Silence, the room was so quiet, all that I could hear was the wind that was blowing in the dark sky.

A few hours later ~

I turned around and started to feel really cold. It made me wake up. I tried to sleep again but it wasn't so easy as I thought. I could feel the wind blow on på back until I heard the window slowly close. 'It's probably just the wind that shut the window' I thought to myself. I didn't think much about it and slowly started to fall asleep, almost sleeping I heard meowing, the cat was meowing but in a kind of worrying way. I was about to turn around but before I even got a change the cat stopped meowing. I waited for a moment, waiting for the cat to make any noise. But it was total quiet. I tried to fall asleep again and make me ready for work tomorrow. When I finally fell asleep, or that's what I thought I started to feel something... weird, it almost felt like breathing, right in my ear. 'It's probably just the cat' I thought, but the blowing warm air was blowing strong in my ear. I ignored it and tried once again to sleep, now I was able to shut my eyes and fall asleep.

Some few hours later

I rolled around on my bad but it felt like there wasn't much space. It made it harder to sleep and when I just was going to open my eyes I felt something wrap over me like someone was hugging me. Now I was scared and didn't dare to open my eyes. I pretended that I was still asleep so I wouldn't get in trouble. My heart was racing, the mind was about to explode and I started to breathe faster and faster. I knew the person - robber - whoever it was, would realize that I wasn't sleeping anymore. I did my best to look like I was asleep, I didn't know if it worked but nothing happened for now.

30 min later

My body started to hurt, but I couldn't move or I will get caught. Suddenly the arm that was wrapt over me moved up to my head, reaching to my hair and... petted me? Wait.. did this person just pet me? Why would anyone pet a stranger, in their house?! The person moved a little sometimes and continues to pet me, this time, the person slowly got up from the bed, walked quietly away to the other side of the room and opened the window slowly. I could hear the person climb out from the window and quietly closed it. I didn't move after a few minutes until I realized that I haven't heard the cat meowing for a long while. I turned around and saw the cat sleep in peace without any harm. I got out of my med and walked to the window and then quickly locked it. I finally calmed myself down and could finally sleep.

Next morning

The alarm ringed and the cat jumped of horror. I woke up and turned off the alarm, got off the bed and made my way to the kitchen. The cat followed me and I made ready for breakfast. Two toast for me and some dried sardines for the cat. After finishing our breakfast I put the plate on the desk to wash them later. When that was done I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower (of course the cat wasn't allowed to go in the bathroom while I was taking a shower). The cat was outside and scratch the bathroom door. When I was done with that too (yes, I did brush my teeth while I was in the shower), I took the towel and wrap it around me and then walked out the door. The cat tried to get in the bathroom but I stopped her/him before he/she had the chance. I took big steps into my room and changed to an f/c T-shirt and some jeans. I also put on an f/c hoodie, I dried and brushed my hair and then I was finally done. Now I had 20 min left. Once again I called my boss and she said that I could take the cat with me anytime. I lifted the cat and walked out the door, closed it, locked the door and then started to make my way to work.

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