Chapter 5

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Some weeks had past and nothing special had happened since I've become friends with Ichimatsu. 'Should I call him?' was the only thing I had on my mind. 'What if he's busy'.

Hearing Pepsi jumping up on my bed I got my attention on him. It felt safe when Pepsi was around. I looked at my phone again. 'Should I give it a chance?' 'Why not?' I press the call button and called him.

Ichimatsu's Pov

My phone started to vibrate so I picked up my phone. It was Y/N!.

Y/N: Hey

Ichimatsu: uh. hi

Y/N: I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wonder if you're free today or this weekend?

Ichimatsu: ...

It went silent for a moment. All I could hair was myself breathing but inside I was screaming. 'OMG, she asked if I was free this weekend! Does this mean she wants to hang out?' I thought. My mind was filled with thoughts.

Y/N: Hello? Are you still there?

Ichimatsu: Ah.. yeah.

Y/N: So what do you say, wanna hang out?

Ichimatsu: yeah sure.

Y/N: Okay, see you may be at... 4?

Ichimatsu: Sounds great to me.

Y/N: Okay, see ya then.

Back to Y/N Pov

I hung up and started to dress up the meeting. I made sure that Pepsi got food so that I don't have to worry. It was much time left but I was panicked and it felt like this was my chance to finally get a friend (that sounded really rude for Haku but she didn't know about it). Now I just have to wait. Waiting was the boring thing I knew but I guess I can't do anything about it. All I could do was probably just do regular things.

Time Skip

It was almost time for me to go and I looked through everything to see if everything is alright. I took my purse and walked to the door. "Bye Bye," I said to Pepsi before leaving. I asked where we were supposed to meet and we decided to meet at the Meguro River, it was a beautiful place you've heard. You speed walked to the park, excited. Now you were there and waited for your new friend to come. I stood there for about 12 minutes and I started to get a little worried and disappointed. I was thinking to walk back home when I suddenly saw a man with a purple hoodie and messy hair. I ran up to Ichimatsu with joy and gave him a quick hug.

Y/N: I'm so glad to meet you again.

Ichimatsu: You are?

Y/N: Ye-yeah...

Ichimatsu: How long have you been waiting?

Y/N: About... 12 to 13 minutes but that doesn't matter anyway.

Ichimatsu: well, sorry for keeping you waiting.

Y/N: It's ok, it didn't take that long.

Ichimatsu: So, what do you wanna do first?

Y/N: I was thinking about getting ice cream or something like that.

Ichimatsu: Sounds great.

Ichi showed the way to the ice cream parlor. When we were there he opened the door for us and the place was quite big. The walls had bright colors and so did the floor. In the parlor, there were full of people mostly families. I bet they came here for the kids. I've always wanted to have my own family, live happy with future kids and my future husband. Well, I was too young for that now but someday my dream for my future will come true. When I snapped back to reality I realized that I was standing in front of the desk.

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