Chapter 7

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Y/N's Pov

It was Saturday and it was my day off. I looked in the big mirror in my room, I realized that I've become more skinny, or more like I haven't eaten enough. I was planning to go shopping and go to Matsuno's household and hang out with Ichimatsu for a while.

I took a quick shower, ate breakfast and made sure that Pepsi was fed too. After that, I chose to have an f/c skirt and an f/c blouse. I looked in the mirror one last time before leaving. I made my way to the Matsuno's household, hopefully, I haven't forgotten the way. I was extra careful on my way since I didn't want the men from yesterday to follow me and find out where Ichimatsu and his brother live.

I was near enough to see their house, but there was something that caught my attention. Something blinged in the corner of my eye, I looked at the direction it came from. It came from an alleyway. It was too dark for me to see even in the daylight. I was about to take a look in the alleyway to see what it was, but instead just brushed off the feeling and continued to walk the last blocks to the household.

I knocked on the door and waited until someone opens the door. Choromatsu opened the door.

Choromatsu: Good morning Y/N.

Y/N: Good morning uhh... Choromatsu was it, right?

Choromatsu nodded.

Y/N: Is Ichimatsu home?

Choromatsu: Yeah, come in.

Choromatsu stepped said and let me inside. He led me into their living room. All of the brothers were there and Ichimatsu sitting in the corner with an orange cat with blue glasses. I walked up to Ichimatsu and sat beside him. He looked at me and turned back fast with a blush. I gave a friendly smile and looked at his brothers. They smiled at me and got back to what they were doing.

I turned back to the purple hooded man, watching him play with the orange cat.

Y/N: What is his or her name?

Ichimatsu: Esp kitty...

Y/N: Why Esp?

Ichimatsu:... It's complicated, I know it sounds crazy but... he can read minds.

Y/N: Eh?

Jyushimatsu: It's true!

Esp kitty: I think Y/N is hot.

Everybody looked at Esp kitty and then at Ichimatsu. Ichimatsu was most in shock and started to sweat.

Ichimatsu: W-what the... guys it's not what you think.

He then looked at me and saw me red as a tomato. He then started to panic and ran around the room, not knowing what to do.

After calming him down, we all sat around the table.

Choromatsu: Ichimatsu, was it you that thinks Y/N is hot?


Choromatsu: Ichimat-

Ichimatsu: No...

Todomatsu: Then who did it?

All the brothers turned to Osomatsu.

Osomatsu: Huh?! You think it was me?!

Todomatsu: We're not stupid, Osomatsu-niisan.

Osomatsu: Fine... that was me.

I blushed again. I hid my face in my pawns, hiding my tomato-red face.

Ichimatsu: Look what you did, Osomatsu!

Osomatsu: Huh?! What did I do wrong?

It was silence for a moment. I took my hands away from my face and notice that everybody was looking at me. I turned to Ichimatsu, who was started to get annoyed, looked at Osomatsu with deadly eyes.

Y/N: Ichimatsu?...


Y/N: Ichim-

Before I could say another word, Ichimatsu took my right arm and drug me out of the room. Me, fallen close behind, asked him over and over again where we're going. He didn't answer no matter what I did or asked.

We were out of the house and walked the way to my... apartment? We were outside the port, he opened it and dragged me inside and up to my floor where we finally came to my door into my apartment. He then looked at me, waiting for me to open the door. I took the keys from my pocket, unlocked the door and let Ichimatsu in. But the big question is how he found out where I live? I walked in and saw Ichimatsu in on the sofa with Pepsi. I took off my shoes and walked up to the sofa. I watched Ichimatsu play while Pepsi laid on his knees and enjoyed the feeling by being gently pet.

Ichimatsu's Pov

I started to get really annoyed, seeing Y/N blush for a liar. I couldn't stand it anymore so the only thing I could do was to take her far away. And now here we are, at Y/N's place. Just me and her. We were there until it was time for me to leave.

We said goodbye to each other and I then later left the building.

When I came home, it was quite. They probably went out at Chibita or something. I walked upstairs and in the empty bedroom. I decided that I should take a nap. I laid on the sofa and closed my tired eyes. I dreamed about Y/N and we were at her apartment. She happily smiled at me. I gently smiled back at her. She leaned closer to me, I started to blush. She then spoke.

Y/N: Ichimatsu.

Ichimatsu: Yes?

Y/N: Ichimatsu!

Ichimatsu: Huh?

Jyushimatsu: Ichimatsu-nissan!

I woke up on the sofa and my brothers was home.

Osomatsu: Help us prepare the futon, Ichimatsu.

I got up and started preparing the futon and then later changed to my blue pajama that was similar to the others my brothers had. We brushed our teeth and got to bed. I closed my eyes yet again. Begining dreaming about Y/N.

I woke up the next morning with my brothers sleeping beside me. It's odd of me to be the one to wake up first. Since I didn't feel like falling asleep again, I got up and walked to the living room. I played some cat games while I was waiting for the others to wake up. I sooner got bored and tried to think of something else to do. Well, what could I do? There was nothing else to do but just wait or maybe, I could call Y/N. I searched for her phone number on my contact list. I didn't have many on my contact list tho, only my brothers and Y/N. I pressed on call and waited for her to answer.

Y/N: Hello?

Ichimatsu: H-hey, it's Ichimatsu.

Y/N: Oh, hey Ichimatsu, something imported you wanted to say?

Ichimatsu: N-not really, I just wanted to talk since the others are still asleep, i-if it's ok you?

Y/N: Sure!

We then talked until my brothers came into the room and disturbed our conversation. We said goodbye and I ended the call.

Osomatsu: Who were talking to?

Ichimatsu: None of your business.

Karamatsu: I think he talked to my Karamatsu girl Y/N-chan.

I gritted my teeth when he said those words, it made me just wanna punch him so hard on the face so that he fell asleep again.

We all did our morning routine and then began to do whatever we used to do in our worthless NEET life. I sat in the corner like always and played with some cats, but the only I thing I could focus on is Y/N.

Sadly I wasn't able to visit her last night but tonight I will make sure no one is disturbing her sweet dreams, Ichimatsu thought to himself.

Finally, this chapter is out! Sorry for my slow updates. I actually don't have any excuse for this. I was just lazy and bored. Hope many still read this book. Again, sorry for the long wait. I'm making the chapters as long as I can.

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