Chapter 3

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"Is something bothering you?" the male said. "N-no of course not!" I said with a nervous voice while cold sweat was running down my face. "Hi my name is Haku nice to meet you," Haku said right before I even could speak up. The man was quiet, thinking about something. "Um.. hi my name is Matsuno Ichimatsu." He then responded. "Oh sorry about my friend let me introduce her. This is name is L/N Y/N. "N-nice to meet y-you," I said with cracking voice still nervous. "Isn't that your cat Y/N?" Haku said pretending to be surprised. "W-well it's not really... my cat," I responded.

The bowl-cut hair man looked at me with a confused look on his face. It made me just feel more awkward and nervous. Silence. We stood in our spot for a moment until Haku decided to break the silence. "So umm.. I'm going back to work now bye!" She said before she runs away. Now it was just me and the male ALONE! He was still looking at me it looked more like he was staring at me. I had to think something quick! "Um," he said. It made me turn my head against him in some kind of surprise. "hm?" I said still surprised. "D-do you want anything else?" I asked. He didn't say a word, just staring right into my soul. I tried to act normal as nothing had just happened. It didn't work though -3- 'Just smile and it will be fine' I thought to myself. "No," Ichimatsu said. Ichimatsu turns away and returned to play with the cat. I was a bit sad, I don't know why.


Some time past and I began to be tired. I did my work for the rest of the day it was pretty normal. Anyways, when my shift was over I walked to the cats to find her/him (the cat I had saved). After that, I decided to finish my work and then go home I guess. Well, it wasn't easy to do my job cause of Haku. She was teasing me all day until it was time to close. But, now that it's closing time I don't have to listen to her annoyance. She's been talking about that guy Ichimatsu since we talked to him. By the way, Ichimatsu was still in the cat cafe, playing with the same cat. I walked up to him and said that it was time to close and he didn't say a word, just got up, walked to the door and then left.

Haku: So... does it feel?

Y/N: Huh?

Haku: You know, talking to a boy.

Y/U: *sigh* Seriously Haku there's nothing between us.

Haku: If you say so -3-

I lifted the cat and walked into the break room ( I don't know why you took the cat with me ). When I was done with changing and whatever, I walked out of the cafe and made my way home. I felt a bit safer than usual, it was because of the cat. Now I just have to na- wait, damn it! I forgot to take the cat to the vet. But do I still have time? I checked my phone, it was 6:14. It's no use, I'm not gonna make it to the vet anyways.

I was almost home but something made me stop and look around me. It just felt like something or someone staring at me.

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