Chapter 9 + something important

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I have something to tell you. Maybe I will stop writing with this book since I don't have any idéas and I've stopped liking this fandom too + school. I haven't decided yet tho. I started to like drawing my own characters that I wanted to show someday (maybe).

Besides that, here's the chapter!


Ichimatsu's Pov

I looked in the mirror. "Today is the day", I said quietly to myself. I walked out of the bathroom and into our room. 'The others must be out this time', I thought when I saw no one in the room. I put on the grey hoodie with the same cloud symbol as we have on all of the clothes. I called (Y/N) and we decided to meet up at the park.

We sat on the same bench and talked for a while. I started to sweat, light blush could be seen on my face.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Ichimatsu: Y-yeah. But I have something I wanted to ask.

(Y/N): Ok, what is it?

Ichimatsu: Well...

I started to sweat even more. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Ichimatsu: I wanted to ask if you wanted to be more than just fr-friends.

I quickly looked away. Too scared to look at them. I waited for them to respond until I felt a hand on mine. I looked at (Y/N). They were smiling.

(Y/N): Sure I would like to be more than friends.

  I was quiet for a moment, then smiled back. We stayed at the park for a little longer.

We decided to go home. It started to get late. We walked the same way until we splitted apart in different directions.

(Y/N)'s Pov

I waved goodbye to Ichimatsu and began to walk the rest home. I was about to walk past the last alleyway until I felt a hand grab me. It pulled me inside the alleyway and I somehow got knocked out.

When I woke up I was in an office. A quite big to be honest.

Mafia Oso: Well then I see you're awake. 

I turned my head around and saw Ichimatsu's brother in a suit?

(Y/N): What's going on?

Mafia Oso: It's nothing you have to worry about.

I raised a brow. Before I could ask another question he interrupted me.

Mafia Oso: You see, we got a little deal with two kind men that offered us you for some money.

(Y/N): How much?

Mafia Oso: 2 million to be exact. It was cheaper than the other deals we had before.

(Y/N): 2 million!? Are you crazy!? What kind of idiot would spend so much money on someone like me!?

Mafia Oso: Don't be so harsh on yourself now.

I glared at him. Then we both heard a loud scream. It came outside the door.

Mafia Oso: What the?

He walked to the door and opened it to reveal a bloody Ichimatsu standing in front of him with a death glare. Mafia Oso looked terrified when he noticed his younger brother, Karamatsu, laying a bit away from them. He looked back at Ichimatsu who now was holding a knife. Mafia Oso took quickly out his gun but Ichimatsu was fast enough to slice mafia Oso's throat. Mafia Oso held his throat about to bleed to death.

I only sat there, in shock for what I've just witnessed. Ichimatsu stabbed mafia Oso so repeatedly over and over again. Until he was sure the mafia was dead.

Ichimatsu took some breaths to calm down. He then walked up to me and untied the ropes. I still sat on the chair and stared at him. He forced me up and hugged me tightly. It took me a moment before I hugged back.

Ichimatsu: No one will hurt you now.

(Y/N): Ichimatsu.

Ichimatsu: No one will come between us.

(Y/N): Ichimatsu, I said a bit louder.

Ichimatsu: You will never leave me, he said a bit louder, tightened the hug.

(Y/N): Ichimatsu!

Ichimatsu: I SAW YOU FIRST!!

My eyes widened. He stopped hugging me and took my hand.

Ichimatsu: Let's go, he said.

(Y/N): I don't think this is a great idéa.

Ichimatsu: What? He looked at me.

(Y/N): I said, I don't think this is a great idéa, I said again.

Ichimatsu: What are you even talking about?

Before I could say another word, he dragged me out of the mansion. He dragged me all the way home to me. When we were inside he locked the door and sat me down on my bed.

Ichimatsu: I think you should sleep.

(Y/N): But-

Ichimatsu: Just do what I say.

He forced me to lay down and put the blanket over me. He layed beside me but on top of the blanket instead. He stroked my head, making my eyes feel heavy. I finally fell asleep and Ichimatsu smiled.

Years later

Ichimatsu had moved over to me and became very strict with the rules he made. I didn't even dare to break one single rule. He would make sure to never let me go out without his permission. Besides that, he was very caring and stuff like that. We do everything together. Wake up, eat breakfast, brush our teeth, cuddle and other things. But I will never forget the words he said back at the mansion. The End...


So, what did you think of the story? Did you like it? Or was it just a disappointment? Sorry, I just wanted to end this story as fast as I could since I didn't want to forget everything from Osomatsu-san. Also (Y/N) still worked at the cafe only that Ichimatsu had an eye on them. They were now knowns as a couple. Now I will stop writing Osomatsu-san and start with Eddsworld instead or maybe about my own characters too. Well then, goodbye. It was fun writing this story, I guess.  @CykoCat4 is out :')

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