Chapter 2

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It was already morning and I woke up by the cat started, "Morning~" I said still tired. 'Meow' the cat meowing. I slowly got up and dragged my tired legs to the cold floor. "Ah cold!" I said it made the cat jump in surprise. "Sorry," I said with a calm voice just to make the cat calm down. I got to the bathroom and took a long shower, the cat scratches the bathroom door still meowing. I brushed my teeth while showering, I had to skip breakfast and go to the pet shop before work. After showering I took my towel got out from the bathroom and quickly got to the bedroom. I had to make the cat stay outside my room since I was gonna change and I want some privacy. I change to black shorts, f/c shirt, and a scarf. I brushed my hair and carefully opened the door. The cat started to stroke the head on my left leg and then starts purring. I go to the hall and put my shoes on, opened the door, let the cat go outside and walk to the pet shop.
I could feel that people were staring at me and the cat but I didn't care. We finally got to the pet store and I got to the cat shelf. I took the cat food, buy it and then walk home again. The food was really heavy so it was hard to hold it. I stopped in front of a grocery store to rest. 'Meow' the cat meowed hungrily. I sigh and took a steady grip on the cat food. 'Just a little bit more' I thought to myself while I almost was in the apartment. I opened the door and let the cat in. I forgot to buy a bowl so I took a small plate and placed the cat food on the floor. The cat eats the food the cat food happily than ever. 'Meow' it meowed as (thanks for taking care of me). I smiled, the cat was so cute when it meowed. When the cat was done with the food I packed my things for work and called my boss for taking the cat with me, the boss said of course 'yes' and it made me and the cat so happy. We were on our way to the cat cafe and felt great to have a company. When we came to the cat cafe I opened the door and let the cat in and then went to the break room to change clothes to my work uniform, then I started my work.

After 2 hours it was time to feed the cats. All the co-workers and I fed the cats and then took a break. I heard the door open and I went to the desk to take the customers order. "Hi, can I take your order?" I asked the customer with a smile. The customer was male. He was quite in a moment. He wore a purple shirt with a word that said 'DAT'. Dark blue sweat pants with white strips on the side. Black bowl-cut hair and brown lidded eyes. "Uh.." was all he said. I didn't say anything just kept on smiling. "Can I get a milkshake please" he finally said. "Ok, what flavor would you like?" I asked. "The vanilla" he responded. (I don't know what kind of flavors a milkshake has..).

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