Chapter 8

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This story will be updated very slow since y' know... school. But I will continue with the writing, I just need some inspirations. I will try my best to make it gender-neutral. Other than that, enjoy.

Ichimatsu's Pov

I woke up, hearing my brothers snoring like always. I made my way to the closet and started to put on my hoodie and sweatpants. I quietly walked out of the room and down the stairs. I put on my sandals, carefully opened the door and walked my way to (Y/N) apartment.

When I was outside their apartment, I started to think about how I will be able to make it all the up to their window. Their apartment was on the fourth floor if I remember it right. I got an idea and transformed into my cat-form, I then started to jump side to side of the building until I've reached (Y/N's) window. It was unlocked so I carefully opened without a sound. I walked in and looked around. I took quiet steps to (Y/N's) room and saw them sleeping body in the bed with Pepsi beside them. 'Cute ..' I thought. I walked closer until I notice Pepsi had woken up. He started to meow quietly and I panicked. I saw (Y/N) started to wake up so I quickly looked for a place to hide. I decided to hide under their bed. I could hear their soft voice talking to their cat. It was like music to my ears. I smiled a little, also hoping they wouldn't notice me under their bed.

They walked out of the room, I sighed out. I then waited until I felt the coast was clear. I slowly trying to move out of the bed without making any noises. I took quick but careful steps towards the window. I jumped out of the window and landed on my feet.

Time skip

It was a boring day, just like always. My brothers did the same thing they usually do and I sat on the corner with my best friend, ESP kitty. I looked at the clock, it was afternoon. 'Should I call (Y/N)?' I thought. 'What day is it even, I can't remember' I think after some time and realized it wasMondayy. (Y/N) was probably working. I got up and walked ou oft the room. I went down the stairs and putted my sandals on. I walked to the cafe (Y/N) worked in.

I entered the cafe and saw (Y/N) taking costomers orders. I took a sit on one of the tables near the window. I waited for them to come up to me. After some minutes it was finally my turn to order. (Y/N)'s friend, Haku, was it? Walked up to me and took my orders. Before she walked away she leaned closer to me and wispered in my ear. I will tell your 'girlfriend/boyfriend' to come to your table with the order, she smirked. I blushed, my ears were red. I backed up and gave Haku a glare. She just giggled and walked away. I waited yet again to get my order. I looked to the side to see (Y/N) coming towards me with the order. They had a little blush on their face. I wonder why. They stopped at my table and gave me my order. They smiled and said hi. I said hi too and felt my face heat up a little. I thanked them and they walked away. I ate my order and saw more and more cats was coming towards me.

I finished eating and started to play with the cats like always. I couldn't spend much time with (Y/N) as I expected but atleast thoes two idiots didn't came back, looking at (Y/N)'s new work uniform. I started to get kinda dirty thoughts but quickly shook it off. I started to get a bit tierd after sitting on the same spot for so long. I got up and leaved the café.

I walked past some alleyways but stopped. When I heard laughing. I turned my head towards the alleyway and saw two familiar faces. They stood with a gang that looked like mafias? The mafias also looked like my brothers and me. I saw them looking at a photo. It was hard to tell what they were looking at exacly. I listened.

Mafia Oso: Their perfect, how much do you want for them?

One of the men: 2 milion yen (idk).

Mafia Oso: Deal.

They shook hands and walked then made their way out the alleyway. I quickly ran home and pretended nothing had happen. I was right in time for dinner, though I was already full. We did what we usually do for the rest of the day and went to bed.



Sorry, the chapter was short but I didn't come up with any better. I also wanted to tell you that I started to get a little bored with Osomatsu-san. But I will write in this book, I promise. I just started to like another fandom.

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